Big Ben Releases Statement


The Duke
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[FONT=tahoma,] Roethlisberger releases statement, says if he ever rides again, it will be with a helmet[/FONT]
The following statement was released by Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger on Thursday:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma,]"In the past few days, I have gained a new perspective on life. By the grace of God, I am fortunate to be alive, surrounded by loved ones and lifted by the prayers and support of so many. I am sorry for any anxiety and concern my actions have caused others, specifically my family, the Steelers organization, my teammates and our fans. [/FONT]​
I recognize that I have a responsibility to safeguard my health in the offseason so I can continue to lead our team effectively. I never meant any harm to others nor to break any laws. I was confident in my ability to ride a motorcycle and simply believed such an accident would not happen to me. If I ever ride again, it certainly will be with a helmet.
My deepest appreciation goes out to the Steelers organization and my teammates for the compassion they have shown me. The physicians and support staff at Mercy Hospital were simply amazing, and I will forever be grateful for their caring treatment.
I want to assure everyone I am committed to a complete and timely recovery. I look forward to being at training camp in Latrobe and to winning football games this season. "


Commanders Fan
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Regardless of who the player is, seeing something like this is horrible. I was at the beach and completely unaware of Ben's situation until I saw the blurb on ESPN Sportsticker.

Glad to see Roeth is going to eventually be back with the team. When a guy goes 15-1 in his first season, and wins a Super Bowl in his second season, the last thing you want to see is to have to sit his third out because of a motorcycle accident.


New Member
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Kevin said:
Regardless of who the player is, seeing something like this is horrible. I was at the beach and completely unaware of Ben's situation until I saw the blurb on ESPN Sportsticker.

Glad to see Roeth is going to eventually be back with the team. When a guy goes 15-1 in his first season, and wins a Super Bowl in his second season, the last thing you want to see is to have to sit his third out because of a motorcycle accident.

True dat ...


:skins: :pee:


Here comes the Sun...
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He said all that without any teeth! I'm not buying it! :cool:


New Member
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If I was a Steelers fan that statement wouldn't be enough for me. Next time he rides he'll wear a helmet? Why is there a next time?? He's making more money than we could ever dream of he can make a sacrafice.


Proud Grandpa
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Hostile said:
[FONT=tahoma,] Roethlisberger releases statement, says if he ever rides again, it will be with a helmet[/FONT]
The following statement was released by Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger on Thursday:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=tahoma,]"In the past few days, I have gained a new perspective on life. By the grace of God, I am fortunate to be alive, surrounded by loved ones and lifted by the prayers and support of so many. I am sorry for any anxiety and concern my actions have caused others, specifically my family, the Steelers organization, my teammates and our fans. [/FONT]​
I recognize that I have a responsibility to safeguard my health in the offseason so I can continue to lead our team effectively. I never meant any harm to others nor to break any laws. I was confident in my ability to ride a motorcycle and simply believed such an accident would not happen to me. If I ever ride again, it certainly will be with a helmet.
My deepest appreciation goes out to the Steelers organization and my teammates for the compassion they have shown me. The physicians and support staff at Mercy Hospital were simply amazing, and I will forever be grateful for their caring treatment.
I want to assure everyone I am committed to a complete and timely recovery. I look forward to being at training camp in Latrobe and to winning football games this season. "

Translation...."My Agent/Lawyer wrote this, and I signed off on it."


Stay Thirsty, My Friends
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EastDallasCowboy said:
Bull**** imo.

His agent obviously wrote that.

I'm not so sure about that. Roethlisberger seems to be a very astute, well spoken person. He's perfectly capable of writing that himself.


Active Member
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Doubt Roth... actually authored the statement. Probably left it to either his publicist or Steeler organization to get the word out but do think he accepts idea helmet might be good idea. He's has gained some maturity from the incident but apparently not enough to accept he shouldn't motorcycle until end of football career. When he accepted the big bucks from Steelers, along with that money came responsibilities. He still doesn't yet understand or accept that yet. Somebody needs to suggest to him that he could always return the money he gets from the Steelers & retire which would then allow him the freedom to do whatever he wants with his life. Wonder how quickly he would be willing to do that?
I might point that Roth.... is no different from other young people. They think nothing can happen to them. What they too young to understand is that things happen--that's why it is called an accident--suddenly for which they have no control over. Roth... darn lucky THIS TIME. BTW: Glad to learn Bledsoe has put his motorcycle away until end of his football career.


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aznhalf said:
If I was a Steelers fan that statement wouldn't be enough for me. Next time he rides he'll wear a helmet? Why is there a next time?? He's making more money than we could ever dream of he can make a sacrafice.

As someone already mentioned... 15-1 in first season, then SB Win in 2nd season. He gets a pass from ALL. The Fans, coaches & team mates etc...

Big D

Well-Known Member
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I could care less about the statement. I wanna see a picture of that mug!



Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Kevin said:
Regardless of who the player is, seeing something like this is horrible. I was at the beach and completely unaware of Ben's situation until I saw the blurb on ESPN Sportsticker.

Glad to see Roeth is going to eventually be back with the team. When a guy goes 15-1 in his first season, and wins a Super Bowl in his second season, the last thing you want to see is to have to sit his third out because of a motorcycle accident.

I can't say I'm a fan of Roethlisberger, but I am happy he didn't get hurt any worse than he did... that's one lucky young man...

But I think if I got racked up as bad as he did on the back of a bike, that would end my bike-riding days... I mean, he wasn't even at fault, and he still almost got wasted... that ought to tell him something, that something being that even if he's a very good, careful rider, motorcycles are extremely dangerous...

Star Struck

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Big D said:
I could care less about the statement. I wanna see a picture of that mug!

Exactly! Thats what we'd all like to see! I have a feeling he's gonna stay away from a camera for quite a while...


Inventor of the Whizzinator
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Star Struck said:
Exactly! Thats what we'd all like to see! I have a feeling he's gonna stay away from a camera for quite a while...

I doubt he wrote that from Med-haze and wirejaw land. But I'm sure he's thinking it.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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He plays for the Steelers. Might as well be a Commander to me. Down with Ben!


Well-Known Member
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I have a titantium rod in my right leg (fractured my femur) a plate in my right elbow (fractured that).

All because a water tanker semi-trailer truck decided to use my lane with me in it. I'm pretty damn lucky to be alive.

I was on crutches for 8 months and used a cane for another 6 months.

I have almost my full strength in my right leg. This was about 11 years ago.

Everytime I see a MC accident I get this moment of anxiety.

He got off pretty lucky - I'm glad he's going to make a full recovery...