Hey guys can we make a cowboyszone big board?
Hey guys can we make a cowboyszone big board?
A player versus player voting system would be effective.
For example, Leonard Williams vs David Cobb pops up. You select Leonard Williams, he gets a point and moves up the board. Then another pair of random players pops up and you select who you like more. So on and so forth.
It'd be an efficient way to do it, and posters could spend 2 minutes or 2 hours doing it. No commitment necessary.
Each "round" would only take a couple seconds and the cream would rise to the top, so to speak.
Plus, it'd be fun. If every poster did 200 rounds (would take maybe 10-15 minutes to do that many), there'd be tens of thousands of votes on 250ish guys.
Just an idea.
Any coders here?
The worst part of building an app like that is data entry.
Yeah. I'm no coder but I imagine the code part would be easy to write. Pull random names out of a list, give a choice between the two names, add 1 point to that choice - all on a loop.
The data entry would be a pain though as far as entering the names.
Last year, I had 8 people, me being one, that gave me their rankings...many said they would, only a few did....I put a shared google doc out there to make it easier as well....if you think this can work somehow, I can build that into the draft spreadsheet....but, it's a bunch of work, so if people aren't going to do it, it becomes a waste of time....I would say that you get commitments from at least 25 people and then a true "Big Board" can be done
It can be a drop down menu where you just select the player at each level; I can build it, but people have to commit to it before I take the time
I can't get you other spreadsheet to work from the drop down site. Do I need to create a log-in to get it to work?