Bill Belechik or BP...


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who is a better overall coach?

In my opinion I like the tuna better,but Belechik is more of a football "geek".I notice that BP seems to copy Belechik a bit lately with certain things,unless they were his ideas originally.


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No offense, but a thread like this is kind of silly in a Cowboys forum....

Something like Belicheck vs Cowher or something would produce less biased results....

Yakuza Rich

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Until I see Belichick take a really dreadful team of his own and having to draft a QB and have the same type of success BP has had, I'll still take BP for now.

I'll concede that Belichick is a great coach in his own respect and I'd be generally curious to see how well he could do with a team like Arizona or Houston.

People often forget that the Pats were 29-21 in the three seasons prior to Belichick's arrival. One look at the teams that Parcells took over in NYG, NE, NYJ and Dallas and he's never even come remotely close to having teams with that much talent. Not to mention that so many of NE's key players during their SB run were guys that Parcells drafted or brought in.



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Simple Head Coaches, Parcells is the teacher and Belichik the student.

If Parcells had Tom Brady in Dallas we would be raising the Lombardi next year.

Belichik was a great DC, but a failure as a head coach in Cleveland (5 seasons, 36-44) and also NE, where he was 5-11 in 2000 and 0-2 in 2001 until Brady took over the QB job.

Brady makes Belichik the "genius" head coach he is today.


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Yakuza Rich said:
Until I see Belichick take a really dreadful team of his own and having to draft a QB and have the same type of success BP has had, I'll still take BP for now.

I'll concede that Belichick is a great coach in his own respect and I'd be generally curious to see how well he could do with a team like Arizona or Houston.

People often forget that the Pats were 29-21 in the three seasons prior to Belichick's arrival. One look at the teams that Parcells took over in NYG, NE, NYJ and Dallas and he's never even come remotely close to having teams with that much talent. Not to mention that so many of NE's key players during their SB run were guys that Parcells drafted or brought in.

i agree.


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juckie said:
who is a better overall coach?

In my opinion I like the tuna better,but Belechik is more of a football "geek".I notice that BP seems to copy Belechik a bit lately with certain things,unless they were his ideas originally.

Yes they are. Its Belechik who has copied BP's ideas, but certainly, BB is a Defensive Genius, that part you can't disagree with mostly. If Belechik never got Brady, with lots of luck, I doubt we would be even comparing them both right now.

Until BB goes to another downtrodden team and wins or gets close to another championship at least, that is.


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I think that these two have very similar football mentalities and thought on what wins football games.

I think where the big difference lies is in something that can't really be taught and that is personality and player relations.

I look at Belichik as the misreable BP, obsessed with being the best at all costs... great football mind.. demands a lot from his players and gets them to play at a high level by setting that as the standard.

I'm not sure that you could say that one is better than the other... even if they coached the same team.. I think they are just different.

I think I would personally rather play for BP though... because of how he treats his players.. you can tell players respect the way that they are treated, because BP seems to have a true interest in the development of the player and will be brutally honest about their situation with the team.

So Belichik.. great football mind, very hard worker, great strategist...

BP.. vast knowledge, uses his personnel well, better coach...

I see Belichik being more X's and O's and BP being more fundamental.. one tells you what to do, the other tells you what you are trying to accomplish.

Both can win you a superbowl.


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juckie said:
who is a better overall coach?

In my opinion I like the tuna better,but Belechik is more of a football "geek".I notice that BP seems to copy Belechik a bit lately with certain things,unless they were his ideas originally.
People overlook that Belicheck was using all the staff members and players that Parcells drafted. When Bill came to Dallas he had to start all over on assembling his staff together. So Bellicheck should thank Parcells for gift wrapping his staff and players to him.


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TheHustler said:
No offense, but a thread like this is kind of silly in a Cowboys forum....

Something like Belicheck vs Cowher or something would produce less biased results....

Yes, and this type of thread comes up about every month.