Bill Parcells is his typical classless self *Merge*

Newy forgot the biggest slap in the face, the "Jap" attack, if you will by Parcells. Even bigger than shipping Emmitt off for frikkin Troy "Big Talk" Hambrick.

Anyone forget him jockeying for the Giants GM job hours before the Cowboys played a game in NY? How anyone can argue Scrugg's premise w/supporting facts, that Parcells is a selfish dishonest overrated ancient fat bastich is beyond me.

One guy on another forum described him as ***** ****. But he' really just a Big Tit who *****es, ad nauseum.
BAT, there are so many errors in your post its pathetic. But to some it all up:
Get a life. Hating BP is not exactly going to make for a happy life.
Well I think the article makes some pretty valid points, I don't know if he was throwing Romo under the bus or not BUT his coaching stinked in that game... When a team doesn't have their two best CBs you make them pay dearly by attacking them all day long!
ThreeSportStar80;2160075 said:
Well I think the article makes some pretty valid points, I don't know if he was throwing Romo under the bus or not BUT his coaching stinked in that game... When a team doesn't have their two best CBs you make them pay dearly by attacking them all day long!

How big of an idiot is Jason Garrett when the Giants starting CB Sam Madison is out, his backup Kevin Dockery is out, the Giants other starting CB Aaron Ross has to leave in the middle of the game to get x-rays of his injured shoulder and never comes back ... and Garrett's gameplan is to run Marion Barber every down in the first half (when Marion Barber had never been an every down back, even in college).

And Garrett's punishment is that he was handed a new pair of teflon underroos by the media AND gets a raise to $3 million a year AND gets annointed our future head coach.
Oh stop moaning.

Hell, after that botched field goal, I was ready to swear of football, I can't even imagine what it would be like to actually have invested your life in the season and have it boil down to that.

He said it on the way back after an emotional loss, doesn't mean that was all he said and what he based his entire decision on.

And I am by no means a Parcells apologist, I don't even like the guy.
I never like Parcells and now I hate him more. It's always easy to blame somebody else. Parcells should take the blame for the Cowboys never winning a playoff game.

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