BLADE Software Eliminates 'Drive-by Downloads' from Malicious Websites


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Sounds like a step in the right direction. I'm sure attackers will find a way around it, but at least it's a start.


ScienceDaily (Oct. 7, 2010) — Insecure Web browsers and the growing number of complex applets and browser plug-in applications are allowing malicious software to spread faster than ever on the Internet. Some websites are installing malicious code, such as spyware, on computers without the user's knowledge or consent.

These so-called "drive-by downloads" signal a shift away from using spam and malicious e-mail attachments to infect computers. Approximately 560,000 websites -- and 5.5 million Web pages on those sites -- were infected with malware during the fourth quarter of 2009.

A new tool that eliminates drive-by download threats has been developed by researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology and California-based SRI International. BLADE -- short for Block All Drive-By Download Exploits -- is browser-independent and designed to eliminate all drive-by malware installation threats. Details about BLADE will be presented at the Association for Computing Machinery's Conference on Computer and Communications Security.

"By simply visiting a website, malware can be silently installed on a computer to steal a user's identity and other personal information, launch denial-of-service attacks, or participate in botnet activity," said Wenke Lee, a professor in the School of Computer Science in Georgia Tech's College of Computing. "BLADE is an effective countermeasure against all forms of drive-by download malware installs because it is vulnerability and exploit agnostic."

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