I recommend definitely making time for it (or move it up the line in backlog, etc.) if possible. How are you liking Battlefield Hardline if you've played? Got mixed reviews and I enjoyed the campaign but found it odd that I had to arrest folks as I was continuously being rewarded with more powerful artillery
. It was a good change up campaign wise but heard there was some issues with MP. What's in your backlog?
I could move up Bloodborn and I might cause I've been hearing lots of good things about it.
I've really enjoyed BF. I haven't played the Campaign yet but I've heard it's excellent. The MP is like all other MP. It's dang good with it's little annoying things that really bug you. For example the sniping in this game is WAY to easy. It's Call of Duty easy. With there being some snipers you can use that are capable of firing as fast as you can pull your trigger you find lots of snipers running and gunning in this game which is annoying and stupid. Plus there is quick scoping, especially in the up close areas, which is tedious.
The pistols are also way over powered, especially the Bald Eagle and the Tech 9. Up close there is almost no gun that can match them unless the person using the pistols is just absolutely awful.
SMG's are the king in this game. There is pretty much no beating an SMG, any of them, with any other gun at distance. Yes I said distance. SMG's in this game will out gun an assault rifle pretty much every time at distance, and absolutely every time up close, even if you're unloading on the person first. The only things that work well enough up close to compete are those two pistols I mentioned and shotguns, when they're working consistently.
Other than that there isn't too much that bugs me about it. The spawning in it is some what suspect at times. Especially in TDM which it is absolutely awful.
But the quicker pace of this game is very nice. The games are pretty quick, especially for a BF game, and the maps are all pretty great. I love the game modes. You have your traditional conquest modes (Small and Large for 32 v 32 or 64 v 64) but then you've got new modes like Rescue (Think something similar to Search and Destroy in CoD), Blood Money (My personal favorite), and Heist.
As for my back log I have the following games (in no particular order)
Metro Last Light (I have started this but not finished it yet)
Infamous First Light (Started it but not very far into it)
Valiant Hearts (Started but not complete)
Resident Evil Re-Mastered
Evil Within
Far Cry 4
Hardline Campaign
Advanced Warfare Campaign
Dragon Age
Blood Born
I recently got a platinum trophy for Metro 2033 Redux and I completed 90% of Dying Light. Two of the final 4 trophies I had for that game are glitched and will not pop for me and the other 2 I simply don't want to invest the time into getting cause it's just too time consuming.
I will Platinum Last Light (It won't be a hard one to do) and it's been a very good game. It's not as good as 2033 but it's still pretty dang good.
On top of all that I have Borderlands coming to me in May (A buddy of mine is getting it for me), I have Batman in late June, and I'm seriously considering picking up the remake of God of War III as I've heard that series of games was dang good.
I might look into Elder Scrolls as well but I don't think so and I know for sure I'm getting Rainbow Six Siege in the fall. So needless to say I've got a lot of games to complete right now, a few others coming up still, and that list doesn't even include some of the free games I can't even remember yet that I haven't finished.