Blue uniforms

Because a ridiculous made up "curse" is no more relevant to the outcome of a sporting event than the colour of the clothing your team is wearing.
Haha. “Made up”.
Must have been made up to change the color of those blue jerseys years ago.
Maybe JJ’s profit margin is larger on the navy jerseys and they need to sell more
Can we PLEASE stick to our regular unis in the playoffs!!!!!!!!
If it's an away playoff game, it's not our choice. The home team can choose their white jerseys, and that means the Cowboys have to wear blue jerseys. Don't worry, it was the royal blue jerseys that were cursed, but the team doesn't wear those anymore. The Navy blue jerseys aren't cursed.
I want the blues every game, at least until they fix the blue trim on the whites. That blue needs to match the blue of the star, not that hideous giants blue they currently use.
I don't know. Right now they're playing for the number 2 overall pick which would be the North Carolina State quarterback. Those coaches might not put their best players on the field. I don't know
UNC quarterback, not state.
They will, and they'll try to do the stupid "white out" thing again. I'll be wearing my blue jersey.
Everybody wears their blue jersey in Dallas whiteouts. Why don't they just have a blueout with blue towels?

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