News: Bob Sturm: Why I was so wrong about Cowboys coach Jason Garrett

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Jason Garrett is of those few subjects I've been right about from the beginning and never doubted for a second.

People that don't recognize his greatness don't understand what a legitimate leader of character and culture looks like. He is so much like Tom Landry in that regard.

The most important players on the team hold him in great reverence. This team plays its collective butt off for him.

He turned this organization around. He made Stephen and McClay possible. He had the demeanor and humility to accomplish this without confronting Jerry.

Nothing short of miraculous.


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Your entire post was about tangibles when in reality it is the intangibles of Garrett's leadership as a coach you completely missed. Leadership qualities are nuanced and subtle. They are not about getting better players. It's about communication between coach and player, between ownership and coach. It's about building consensus, identifying goals and defining a direction. It's about instilling confidence and belief, Does he own the room, does he engage, does he have "it."

I hope you got a chance to see his speech at Princeton. It was riveting. I'm not trying to criticize your post I'm trying to expand the definition of what a good to great coach is and it's so much more than getting good players.

An army of lions led by a sheep can never defeat an army of sheep led by a lion.

Forget his boyish looks - Garrett is a lion.

Nuance is hard for the I-generation. Just like Stephen Jones made an excellent point today about there is an art to running training camp. I think Garrett gets it where a lot of Zoners will miss some of the subtleties (i.e. the possibility of putting McClain on Preseason PUP and having a plan for Dez, and having competition at RB, etc).


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Any head football coach worth his salt knows he's a reflection of his coordinators. You can put Vince Lombardi as HC but if you have twiddle see and twiddle dumb for coordinators, it won't matter because he will fail.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Some people want Garrett to be a supercoach capable of doing everything on his own just like some people want Romo to be a super QB capable of carrying the entire team to the promised land,,, I'm just thrilled that we've got them here, being excellent at doing their respective jobs.


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I don't know what that means... But when it comes to Garret, I supported him and Jerry's vision for him from day 1. People want miracles that happen overnight. People with vision see the big picture and know it takes time.

Its a line from a TV show called boondocks


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umm, yea, I believe at one point Microsoft had to keep Apple afloat because of "monoply laws, also the same company that fired Jobs. So when thinking of apple and being smart, leave that company out.

Google successful, possibly, depends on what your definition is.

the rest of the post is ok, i like the word "a"

That was Apple like 20 years ago. Times have changed. When Jobs was CEO for the 2nd time he surrounded himself with the brightest people he can find. Just like what the OP was emphasizing to begin with.


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He put on full display how bad he was for years.

He always had the team focused and playing hard but he was just in the way on Sunday's.

Really? When? Because a lot of you thought he abandoned the run when he should have stuck with it? But I thought that was Romo? Which is it people, Romo or Garett? I guess whichever fits into that little agenda or is relevant to the topic. Garrett has said time and time again, even before last season, said the games dictated the plays. He brought in Linehan because Linehan wanted to get back to a ground attack style offense.

Or are you talking about the one or two "controversial decisions" he made in the 3 seasons he was coach before 2014? Those were also explained as well, and they go by statistics; which is a collective thing and not solely on the coach.

But you've been on the "Garrett is a bad coach!" Crap for months now. What else from the agenda do you have?


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There is no mention of Linehan or Marinelli taking the reigns in 2014, this should not be played down and they didn't even come up in that article.

It appears Garrett is a good CEO but is not good at schemes and calling plays

This is where marinelli and linehan have made a HUGE difference


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Pretty sure that if you go and watch any particular team's play choices, every play over the last three years, you will find a significant number of poor or puzzling plays sent in. It happens. It just seems more egregious when you're the Dallas Cowboys. Because everyone pays more attention.


1st Round Pick
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Really? When? Because a lot of you thought he abandoned the run when he should have stuck with it? But I thought that was Romo? Which is it people, Romo or Garett? I guess whichever fits into that little agenda or is relevant to the topic. Garrett has said time and time again, even before last season, said the games dictated the plays. He brought in Linehan because Linehan wanted to get back to a ground attack style offense.

Or are you talking about the one or two "controversial decisions" he made in the 3 seasons he was coach before 2014? Those were also explained as well, and they go by statistics; which is a collective thing and not solely on the coach.

But you've been on the "Garrett is a bad coach!" Crap for months now. What else from the agenda do you have?

Garrett.. And the bland offensive scheme he left behind sucks as well.

waving monkey

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Yes Linehan had to take the reigns, remember it was Garrett who, when the run was working would abandon it, see the GB game of 13. Tells you all you need to know. So, insert Linehan, whos main job it, "if the run is working, stick with it" and what do we do, run the heck out of a runner who can be run with. And what happens, we win some games. Something Garrett did not figure out on his own. And dont justify it, he had years to figure it out.

Now, lets forget the 8-8 seasons, because thats what everyone is doing, but do you honestly think the Giants will roll over twice for us? That, many teams on our new schedule have not gotten better? Some did some didnt, but we are not going to have the NFCE lay down and let us route them again. So i expect a few less wins this year. Yes, that will affect on Garrett if we drop to 8. No i dont fully expect an 8-8 season, but im also not expecting 12 wins either. That will all be determined on the field regardless of our own ideas as it always is.

Does all the credit go to Garrett, no, we had to hire Linehan, it wasnt a luxury, it was a need. Its not like Garrett had a good season and said "you know what will be better, lets add another offensive guy to get us over that boost" No, Linehan was hired because someone would simply see something working and panic and got pass happy. Did the run have success? Yes, and who was it with, every so called expert who claimed "he runs into darkness" and what happens with a better line and a guy who can stick to the run, records broke. Was the pass happy way successful? no.

Am i thrilled with Garrett? No, he would never have been hired, in fact i would let him interview just to tell him if we ever hired him, we would quickly rectify it and fire him during a game. But he is our coach. Im not going to get excited over 1 good season. I do feel he will have success in part with everything else that has come around him. Better scouting, good coaching, good talent, Everything coming together that even made some previous coaches in the league better than they were.

I dont feel Garrett can go offense to offense with anyone in our division, so im hoping he leaves that to Linehan. After watching Chip come into the league and face Garrett and steal his lunch and eat it front of him, no, i dont feel Garrett can challenge offensively with any one. Tom Coughlin with a bad team, can usually rally to beat Garrett, and RG3 by himself beat on Garrett with a hobbled leg. So i have little faith he can do that.

What i will credit Garrett for, getting in better players. Does that always translate to a better? No, but its mainly dependent on your view of success in the league is. Do i feel Garrett could ruin this? No, i feel the organization has taken time to put all the safety nets around him that it would be harder for him to fail than to succeed. He only needs 9 wins for public relations to say "9 is better than 8, SUCCESS".

What am i looking for concerning the next year. Simple, and i think this happened last year, so lets see it continue this year, I want Garrett to keep the penalities low again. It was becoming a staple that if the Cowboys converted a 3rd and long, there was a penalty somewhere. A sack, Dallas got a penalty, for a while any positive play that was good, got us a penalty.

I dont always necesarily need the roster churned, but Garrett has been doing that fairly well as of late, so ill credit him with that too. I will also credit him with having the team better prepared as well. The team from 2014 was vastly different from 2013.

I cant tell why Garrett turned away from the run anymore then you can but
I can tell you that I dont know what issues in real time were concerns for the Oline.
The Oline wasn't complete yet but the 2013 line was opening some holes.

What I do know is Red has this team headed in the right direction and some posters
are still criticizing, calling it 'keeping it real'.


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Really? When? Because a lot of you thought he abandoned the run when he should have stuck with it? But I thought that was Romo? Which is it people, Romo or Garett? I guess whichever fits into that little agenda or is relevant to the topic. Garrett has said time and time again, even before last season, said the games dictated the plays. He brought in Linehan because Linehan wanted to get back to a ground attack style offense.

Or are you talking about the one or two "controversial decisions" he made in the 3 seasons he was coach before 2014? Those were also explained as well, and they go by statistics; which is a collective thing and not solely on the coach.

But you've been on the "Garrett is a bad coach!" Crap for months now. What else from the agenda do you have?

Months? Try longer. Hardly has anything to say without throwing in some slam on Garrett. It is his routine


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It appears Garrett is a good CEO but is not good at schemes and calling plays

This is where marinelli and linehan have made a HUGE difference

No doubt they have made a huge difference
But the talent level has continued to improve and they is no substitute for talent
Garrett like most young coaches had to learn to be a head coach
The greatest of head coaches took time to develope into the coach they became
No one thing has changed this team
It's a combination of adding much better talent on the field
Adding quality staff not only at the coordinator spots but in the front office
A HC growing into the position
A GM learning from past mistakes and bringing in football players instead of the glitz he once chased
As xwalker pointed out Garrett is the ideal coach for this team because he is smart enough to continue to grow as a HC and doesn't care about getting credit for success. He has also influenced the personnel dept because he has the confidence of the owner
Great coaches need great staffs, great teams need great coaches as well great staffs, talent and front office that manages the talent and the cap
Winning is never about one or two things but about doing everything from the field to the roster right


Fattening up
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Lots of people were wrong about Jason Garrett because they couldn't separate his coaching from the team's record. It always surprised me that Sturm was in that group because he is generally a fairly perceptive guy.

It doesn't surprise me a bit that posters here are still trying to give the credit elsewhere, but this has been Garrett's baby, his staff, and his players. He gets the credit for the substantial rebuild.


Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01
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Game recognize game grandad and you looking kinda unfamiliar right now

Love that show. I wish it wasn't over.

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