Bob's Blog (The Ticket) - Welcome Roy Williams II


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Welcome Roy Williams II

Man, it is crazy around here.

And, it seems like we are having great fun.

No sooner do the Cowboys see the Pac Man Jones era come to an end – I hope – then we see Jerry flip a sad face to a happy one by trading for the other Roy Williams.
For now, let’s not ponder the idea of trying to sort out what the nameplate guy does to differentiate Roy Williams from Roy Williams.

Let’s just decide if we enjoy the trade. If you read this blog, you know I love it.
Roy Williams has been the apple of my eye for some time, as I would see his work in my beloved NFC North, and was convinced he was a stud #1 receiver locked in Matt Millen Hades. At 6’5, he is exactly the dominant dimensions that most defensive backs cannot compete with (see: Burress, Plaxico).

At 27, he is exactly the age of the dominant receiver before he explodes. Try to remember where Burress was at age 27. It was his final year in Pittsburgh, and he was catching 35 balls for 698 yards. Since then, in the next 3 years, Burress had 200+ catches for 3200+ yards and 29 TD’s. I am not saying they are the same guy, but I would not be shocked to see massive production in the years to come. And with reports of a 5-year extension already in place, that massive production will come here. With Owens and Witten sharing many of the passes, there is no way of knowing the numbers he can put up, but good gosh – how do you gameplan the Dallas Cowboys now?

How about the price? Was it too much? In my estimation, it was actually about right. Jared Allen went for a #1 1 and 2- #3’s just a few months ago. So, a #1, #3, and #6 is fine, given that the Cowboys already had an extra #3. This is not the Galloway trade. He was nearly 30, and was 5’11. And he cost 2 #1 picks. This is cheaper, Roy is younger, and he is the type of receiver that is built to last – strength and size.

One hesitation is that he does appear to be on the edge of the “Diva” receiver community. I have seen him show up his QB already this year, and he pouts. We will try to understand the Detroit Lions environment and wipe his slate clean, but he may be one more cook in the kitchen.

As for Adam Jones, here are my thoughts: End this silliness. He needs to be gone. He is not a smart man. He has continually demonstrated that. He was given one order: stay away from trouble. And he has not lived up to his end of the bargain. End it.

I don’t understand why Jerry has not cut ties with him already, but I think the Cowboys are beyond idiotic if they bring this guy back in a month. It is one thing to gamble on this guy, it is another thing to lose and then double down.

A few links that are not in today’s newpapers:

What Goose thought the cost would be for Roy before April’s draft this past spring

baylorbear82: What are the chances the Cowboys trade their 22 and something else for Lions WR Roy Williams?​

Rick Gosselin: If the Cowboys want Williams, it will probably cost them 22 and 28. No. 22 straight up won't get it done, nor will 28 straight up. But the two 1s isn't going to happen. I think Jerry Jones learned his lesson from the Joey Galloway trade that two 1s is an expensive price to pay for any wide receiver. Detroit views Williams as a guy who would be the lead receiver of the Cowboys by 2009 or 2010. Terrell Owens isn't getting any younger. Don't look for the Lions to just give him away because the Cowboys want him. And, please, don't talk about including the other Roy Williams and/or Bobby Carpenter in the package. Everyone wants draft picks, not someone else's discards. The Chiefs just traded a Pro Bowl pass rusher (Jared Allen) for three premium draft picks. Talk picks – high picks – if you want to deal.​

Timmy Mac looks at the full draft picture now for 2009

here's a rundown of the Cowboys pick in April's draft:​


To Detroit for Roy Williams​




To Detroit for Roy Williams​

Cleveland (Acquired in 2008 Draft Day trade: for Detroit 2008 R4 pick)​



Detroit (Acquired in 2008 Draft Day trade: for Dallas 2008 R3 pick)​

ROUND 5 (2)​


Tennessee (As a result of Adam Jones 2nd suspension)​

ROUND 6 (1)​

To Detroit for Roy Williams (Tennessee contingency cancelled as a result of Adam Jones 2nd suspension)​

Miami (Acquired in 2008 Ferguson Trade)​

ROUND 7 (2)​


Detroit (Acquired in Roy Williams trade)​


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
BBQ101;2341861 said:
At 6’5, he is exactly the dominant dimensions that most defensive backs cannot compete with (see: Burress, Plaxico).

At 27, he is exactly the age of the dominant receiver before he explodes.

He is 6'3" and 26 years old.


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Great post...I was thinking about Burress and his problems in Pittsburgh as well and how the two are a great comparison.

The "diva" thing doesn't worry me at all, I don't get the feeling he has character issues. The guy never complained about the drafting of Mike Williams, or Calvin Johnson, nor did he complain that CJ was being targeted more than he was this year. If I were playing for that sad sack organization I am sure I wouldn't be all that happy either and despite that I think he showed himself to be a pretty good teammate all things considered.