Brady's first official game in the booth

I'm curious to see how the GOAT does. The man is supremely knowledgeable about the game, so I'm sure it should come naturally to him. The question will be if he can connect with the fans and show some enthusiasm.
If it hasn't been mentioned already, Dallas @ Cleveland
Brady is an admitted Cowboys hater so there’s going to be a lot of complaining when he and Burkhart are broadcasting our games. There was some bellyaching about Greg Olsen but Brady‘s commentary should drive everyone nuts. Lol Greg Olsen took a big financial hit being replaced by Brady. He’ll be losing about $10 million per year. Brady signed a staggering $375 million contract to broadcast games for Fox.
Brady is an admitted Cowboys hater so there’s going to be a lot of complaining when he and Burkhart are broadcasting our games. There was some bellyaching about Greg Olsen but Brady‘s commentary should drive everyone nuts. Lol Greg Olsen took a big financial hit being replaced by Brady. He’ll be losing about $10 million per year. Brady signed a staggering $375 million contract to broadcast games for Fox.
If he can be as unbiased as Aikman should be a success.

Most fans beyond the Haters want to hear what the GOAT has to say.

Even the Haters of the Cowboys grew to respect Troy. Same can be done with Tom.
Olson is skilled but sometimes he just was a goober. He like oh man Dallas got away with one there
Yeah, and you could hear the disappointment in his voice!! LOL
Olson to me is hit or miss. I guess depends on his mood for the day.
Sometimes he can be over critical, other times too much praise. And for most teams, it seemed.

He had a few games where it seemed he just hated Dallas. Then he would give them praise another game, or parts of it.

I won't miss him doing most of our games. But when he does do one, it will be meh.
If he can be as unbiased as Aikman should be a success.

Most fans beyond the Haters want to hear what the GOAT has to say.

Even the Haters of the Cowboys grew to respect Troy. Same can be done with Tom.
Troy has always been a straight shooter. At first it seemed he went out of his way not to say too many things good about Dallas, as not to sound like a homer. Which there was really not that much good to say. But after a few years, as he learned. He became much better. Criticize and praise. To me he never sounded like a hater, but I did question him at times in the first few years. Not now though.

If people would listen to his Thursday morning segment on the ticket, he was much more pro Dallas but yet told it like it was. I guess he is still doing those segments.
I need to remember start listening again. I am not sure who took over for Norm. But always like listening to him most of the time.
Unless he got on one of his rants. :laugh:
If he can be as unbiased as Aikman should be a success.

Most fans beyond the Haters want to hear what the GOAT has to say.

Even the Haters of the Cowboys grew to respect Troy. Same can be done with Tom.
I doubt he’ll be as unbiased as Aikman who played for the Cowboys. Even Aikman‘s candid comments about the team have ruffled the feathers of Cowboys fans. He’s gotten some hate on this board for his unbiased comments about the team. He made some flattering comments about Carson Wentz when he first took over for Philly and fans jumped all over Aikman claiming he was an Eagles lover. :rolleyes: Brady hated the Cowboys, so we’ll see how unbiased he can be.
I doubt he’ll be as unbiased as Aikman who played for the Cowboys. Even Aikman‘s candid comments about the team have ruffled the feathers of Cowboys fans. He’s gotten some hate on this board for his unbiased comments about the team. He made some flattering comments about Carson Wentz when he first took over for Philly and fans jumped all over Aikman claiming he was an Eagles lover. :rolleyes: Brady hated the Cowboys, so we’ll see how unbiased he can be.
Wait until he praises or criticizes a few players. And see this place explode either way. :muttley:
Talk about entitlement. Classic example with Brady. Given a blank check with no experience.
It kind of hope he just craps on all other QBs and their decision making.

He kind of has the right to do it
When he announced that Dak signed his son's jersey it was easy to see he lost all objectivity with won't hear a discouraging word about #4 from him


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