I think Moore qualifies. He's been around for a bit, clearly has a political agenda, and has a sizeable number of followers.
Talking heads on cable news networks, I don't know. Most of them don't have an impact on the political landscape unless they are heavy hitters, like Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson, or James Carville (for example).
I think that when you are popular enough to have sizeable numbers of followers/fans, that grants you an ability to shape debate and perception and thus gives you some political clout.
You don't have to be a politician to be a political figure.
Ol Rush really needs to heed the call and slim up. I can't believe that this is the first heart-related incident we've heard of when it comes to Limbaugh. He's been a large man for years, hard to imagine that this is his first brush with chest pains. Probably wouldn't hurt to give those cigars up too.