Twitter: Breer: CBA going out to players for vote, March 12 deadline


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439 pages might seem long but if they would use legal sized paper ... and extend the margins out to the edges of the paper ... and use a smaller font ... they could have got that down to 300 pages or less. :)
Yeah but in today’s world that would be fat shaming font sizes and create a whole new agenda for the world to be upset about


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whoever the idiot was that gives them until the 12th to ratify when they already had the deal to review for week now , correct? its holding back the Teams from designating the FT and maybe the TT being they both have the same deadline.. W T F are they thinking?

they should get until Monday at 12am...thats would then give teams 2 full days to know what direction they are going with the tags and trying to get last minute deals done.. having them all end on the same exact time and date is ridiculous..


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whoever the idiot was that gives them until the 12th to ratify when they already had the deal to review for week now , correct? its holding back the Teams from designating the FT and maybe the TT being they both have the same deadline.. W T F are they thinking?

they should get until Monday at 12am...thats would then give teams 2 full days to know what direction they are going with the tags and trying to get last minute deals done.. having them all end on the same exact time and date is ridiculous..

Apparently they were working out details until yesterday. I think a week is a fair time frame.


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I still don't see how they plan on handling home and away games with an uneven slate? 9/8


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the elite don't want it to pass, preferring all the money and perks go to them. but the rank and file players will vote for it overwhelmingly.


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2 days before the tag deadline......

My first question is who imposed this deadline? If it's the league they don't have any say so over the players. Second I read an article when they first said the owners gave their offer to the player's executive committee and it was an attorney and I don't know if he was with the league or players or even if he was with either but he seemed to know the by laws of the NFLPA. He said that when it does go to the players that any player can call for a point of order asking for further explanation of the offer. This would then end the voting there until the explanation is given and then all the players who already voted would be able to recast their votes. The point I'm making is through procedures in the by laws of the NFLPA this could put the completed vote past the March 12 deadline.

Now this is just my opinion but with as many players who have already publicly said they were opposed to the 17th game, and I'm sure they have talked among the other players, I think this offer will get rejected.


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From what I read, and I admit it was a cursory reading, this agreement leaves open the issue of a 16 or 17 game season. It allows for a 17 game season but does not specifically state there will be a 17 game season. All it says is if there is a 17 game season, then there will be only 3 preseason games. If its a 16 game season, there will be 4 preseason games. Did anyone read otherwise? This document does not include the drug policy so there is no way to telling if the marijuana policy changed or not.

For what its worth, there is a section on compensatory draft picks, which I am sure is in the current and previous CBA documents, that explains how picks are awarded in case anyone was curious how they determine the round for each pick. Its based on a point system that is too complicated to explain here, but not hard to understand if you read it in the CBA. Basically, the better your free agent loss plays the high the draft pick you will get in compensation.


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I still don't see how they plan on handling home and away games with an uneven slate? 9/8

I seem to remember someone saying every team will play one "neutral site" game and revenue from that game would be 50/50 split...but I could be wrong. If that is true, it really doesn't matter who is designated home and visitor.