Twitter: Breer: CBA going out to players for vote, March 12 deadline


Wide Right
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Can you picture someone like Dez Bryant reading this?

David Irving?
I imagine this whole thing with the players voting goes something like this:

-The morning of the vote deadline -

Dez on the phone with his NFL buddy: "Hey man, what are you voting on the new CBA?"

Dez's NFL buddy: "Haven't given it much thought, probably going to vote yes"

Dez: "Yeah, me too"

NFL Buddy: "Catch ya later"

Dez: "Bye"


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It's the end of the world as we know it.


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Who is explaining this new CBA to the players? Byron Jones? I doubt it. This is a messed up situation where I don't think the players are being represented well and thus not well enough informed to be making such a critical vote.

It will pass but it probably shouldn't.
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Well-Known Member
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Who is explaining this new CBA to the players? Byron Jones? I doubt it. This is a messed up situation where I don't think the players are being represented well and thus not well enough informed to be making such a critical vote.

It will pass but it probably shouldn't.

I don't think the problem is poor representation. The NFLPA will never be a strong union for a few reasons;

1 - Short season
2 - Short average career
3 - Contract expires during the off season

The first two will keep any player on the lower two thirds of the pay range from voting to strike. The average career is still less than 4 years and these players are trying to either set themselves for life or build a financial foundation. Every game check missed for those 2/3 is a permanent loss of 2-3% of their career earnings. They simply aren't going to throw that away. The only way a strike could be effective in the NFL is if it started in late December.


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I don't think the problem is poor representation. The NFLPA will never be a strong union for a few reasons;

1 - Short season
2 - Short average career
3 - Contract expires during the off season

The first two will keep any player on the lower two thirds of the pay range from voting to strike. The average career is still less than 4 years and these players are trying to either set themselves for life or build a financial foundation. Every game check missed for those 2/3 is a permanent loss of 2-3% of their career earnings. They simply aren't going to throw that away. The only way a strike could be effective in the NFL is if it started in late December.
I welcome your counterpoint saying you don't think the problem is poor representation but then you give three reasons why the NFLPA will never be strong which is in affect poor representation. The Cowboy's current player rep is certainly disenfranchised because of his FA status. Our players can not possibly be getting the information they need to make an educated decision concerning this coming vote on the CBA, which is what ownership wants.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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I don't think the problem is poor representation. The NFLPA will never be a strong union for a few reasons;

1 - Short season
2 - Short average career
3 - Contract expires during the off season

The first two will keep any player on the lower two thirds of the pay range from voting to strike. The average career is still less than 4 years and these players are trying to either set themselves for life or build a financial foundation. Every game check missed for those 2/3 is a permanent loss of 2-3% of their career earnings. They simply aren't going to throw that away. The only way a strike could be effective in the NFL is if it started in late December.
The NFLPA will never be a strong union because the Owners have the money to wait to get what they want and a large fraction of the players don't.
Simple as that. And it works every time it's needed to work.


Well-Known Member
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I still don't see how they plan on handling home and away games with an uneven slate? 9/8

They’d alternate conferences each year so there’s no advantage for home field.