I can't lie I set this up to ask this question. if they both have photos of the Hardy incident and Peterson incident but Peterson is not dealing with backlash like Hardy, is it possible that Hardy is really getting it cause it was a White woman he abused?
I don't think race ever had anything to do with the Hardy case. I would imagine that most Hardy protesters were not aware of Nicole Holder's name, let alone her race. Like I said earlier it is more about how the protesters feel about themselves than anything else.
They get to jump on their white horses and tell the world how anti-DV they are, like there is any other side. They don't even care about Hardy or RRice or Peterson, it isn't about them. It is about making sure everyone knows that you are on the right side of things.
Groupthink, peer pressure, lynch mob, whatever you want to call it. I bet that the most vocal anti-Hardy people have someone that they work with, dated or in their family that did a lot worse than Hardy and they looked the other way.