Full packer cut?
I bought a couple. They are untrimmed packers. I think the deal ends tomorrow. Stock up!
How much is it usually?
I bought 3 this morning and they didn't say anything about a limit(not saying there isn't one just think the kid working register couldn't care less)The deal is, $1.99 per lbs with additional $20 purchase, AND, limit 1. Two ways to get around this, w/o having to hit multiple stores or make multiple trips to same one.
Spend at least $40, and they'll usually let you get multiples equal to what you spend. And more obviously, shop w/ friend/s.
Walmart has them for 1.97 if youre not near a kroger, dont know for how long. still looking at 25 bucks...i remember the 99 cents a pound days not all that long ago.