theogt;5082832 said:
Correlation between YPA and winning percentage. You can run the analysis in excel.
It's statistically proven that running better is not useful. It's a knowable, indisputable fact. I'm not sure we need reasons as to why it would "seem" to be true given it's a provable certainty.
The success rate statistic by definition counts plays that result in or nearly result in first downs as being successful. I have no doubt that such a statistic would be highly predictive of first downs. I would also have no doubt that past ability to gain first downs in and of itself is also highly predictive of future ability to gain first downs.
Okay, let's look at specifically the Cowboys, since it's essentially pointless to make a generalized statements like "you don't need to run the ball in the NFL," or "passing well is the only thing that matters."
Cowboys rushing offensive rankings since Romo became starter in 06':
2006 = #13
2007 = #17
2008 = #21
2009 = #7
2010 = #16
2011 = #15
2012 = #31
Oh gee, look at that. The ONE year the Cowboys had a top 10 rushing attack, they happened to have won their ONLY playoff game in the past 17 years. Yup, running the football doesn't equivalate to success in the NFL.
And I'll add to that. Romo only threw NINE INTERCEPTIONS that year (2009).
Better execution with running the football = less turnover prone Romo = less pressure on defense to generate turnovers = more W's = playoff and hopefully Super Bowl wins
BALANCE is essential in the NFL, and that's all I really have to say.