Broken Tackles and our QB?


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I was fairly upset not being able to watch the game today but when I saw the score later this eve I was pretty happy I didn't have to weather that ugly storm. I mean looking at the highlights, or lowlights, I immediately had to question the huge amount of broken tackles from our D. I mean, is this simply a reflection of the somewhat large and lazy looking coach we have? It was nothing short of ugly. And then, our, "Highest paid athlete in the history of all sports", I lost count at the massive amount of 3rd downs this guy got us into, really though, what is up with this guy Dak?!?!? I mean, seeing him sacked now is a relief in A. knowing that the front line might not give a $hit about him, and B. we could honestly do better with a 3rd string QB. I did not get a chance to count penalties but judging by the 1st 2 games I can bet they were again, high... equaling laziness. I am sorry, but with the caliber of people we have on this team, we should not be EVER playing catch up like we do EVERY WEEK, and there should be a sense of urgency on the behalf of these players. But I guess today these kids don't really give a $hit accept for anything but their paychecks, and oh BTW, having someone like Dak on your team really even deflates the amount you are earning anyways, so yea, why try more than one has to huh?

It sure appears like it is going to be a long, challenging season, where most of us will end up second guessing our reasons for being a fan to begin with. Being a fan, well, let's just say that Fan is short for FANATIC, and this team has done NOTHING this year to make me feel fanatic. Do I turn it all off now, or keep putting up with the abuse week in week out upon something I have absolutely no control over, even though I feel a 4TH GRADER COULD MAKE BETTER decisions than the owner?

And the uncontrollable depression begins to set in....


P.S. At least the niners are 1-2!!!! yeah!


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Trevon Diggs prefers dancing with the WR (business decision) instead of getting off the block. It's very deceiving, as our WRs don't make blocks like that.