Browns - 35 Giants - 14

Bob Sacamano;2336805 said:
so the combined record of who the Giants have played will be 5-17 after tonight


and its no coincidence that this is the first team they played that could run and pass and subsquently their pass rush dissapeared in a heartbeat.

the giants play the steelers before they play us. If we can just hang on the next two weeks somehow, we may be able to go up there and really throw them for a loop.
Eli: 7 TDs; 4 INTs
Romo: 14 TDs; 5 INTs

Why can't Romo be more like Eli?????????
Well that will seal it nicely. Good job Browns. Now I dont have to listen to my best friend say much about my Boys this week cause his team had it's rear handed to it.
BraveHeartFan;2336813 said:
LOL! So true. But, hey, Romo sucks. Remember that. He turns the ball over too much, his stats aren't good enough, his rating is just too far misleading.

Lol... seriously.. not to undermine the truly concerned fans but I hope this game shows some of the idiots and negative nancy's that some times you just get whipped even as the better team. It's hard to sustain dominance over 16 games. I don't think it's time to panic boys fans.
Bob Sacamano;2336834 said:
so the Browns did not punt a single time tonight?

LOL wow

no turnovers....the zone would be finished if the Boys played like that....that's sad......



the giants are mentally tough!

the giants have leadership!

How could this happen?

I was actually cheering out loud for the Browns.

Like everyone else, I'm anxiously awaiting the spin cycle.
Now this is the lil' giants team I'm use to seeing.

I love it when lil' Eli makes his pouty face.

Here's one for Cleveland. :toast2:

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