Browns schedule

LatinMind;1493896 said:
vs PITTSBURGH STEELERS win,browns at home
vs CINCINNATI BENGALS loss, going to be a contender this yr
@ Oakland Raiders at oakland im going to say loss, maybe oaklands only win
@ New England Patriots blowout!
vs MIAMI DOLPHINS win dolphins are in bigger trouble then the browns
@ St. Louis Rams loss rams in the dome? browns cant compete
vs SEATTLE SEAHAWKS win seattle is degrsssing
@ Pittsburgh Steelers big time loss
@ Baltimore Ravens blowout part2!
vs HOUSTON TEXANS win, houston still cant block, wish they had bush
@ Arizona Cardinals loss, cards i think will be better
@ New York Jets loss, in NY noway
vs BUFFALO BILLS win, like the dolphins
@ Cincinnati Bengals another loss
vs SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS niners will be the suprise team this yr.

5-11 might be top 3 pick.



Lock for top 3 pick.

:mchammer: :mchammer: :mchammer: :mchammer: :mchammer: :mchammer: :mchammer: :mchammer: :mchammer: :mchammer:
correct me if im wrong, but this IS a discussion board am i right?
YoMick;1493844 said:
I see only 2 wins.... cardinals and raiders.... 2-14
Cardinals, Ravens and Texans, and none of those three are givens.

First 0-16 team of the modern era? :eek:
The Clevelend franchise will see that its ineptitude will never go away and after an 0-8 start they fold up shop and disband in the middle of the night leaving everyone holding the bag. The NFL in their infinite wisdom will fine the browns 7 draft picks one of which is the one they traded to Dallas so dallas gets quinn and Arizona gets the rights to draft mcFadden.:eek:
YoMick;1493844 said:
I see only 2 wins.... cardinals and raiders.... 2-14
The Raiders will be tougher than most think and the Cards WILL beat the Browns.
air0208;1493966 said:
correct me if im wrong, but this IS a discussion board am i right?

your point? this discussion board has a search tool, where you can find the many threads on this subject. Simply making the thread day in and day out. Saying the same things, when nothing has changed, is not the point of a discussion board

BoysfaninVegas;1493899 said:
Looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the rock.

You may sleep on a rock, but i sleep in a bed. Kthx

Don Corleone;1493893 said:
Relaxxxxx...its a forum where we are allowed to debate. Simply ignore the thread if it bothers you.

No one is trying to take away your ability to debate. Simply saying use the search feature, and simply post your comment in the many threads already made. Continually make a new thread on the same subject the moment it falls of the first page is pointless.
air0208;1493966 said:
correct me if im wrong, but this IS a discussion board am i right?

It is a modern phenomenon I do believe. I will never understand why someone will click on a thread they are clearly not interested in only to tell people ON A MESSAGE BOARD that the topic is not worthy.

I pass over certain threads all the time because I am not interested. No big deal.
big dog cowboy;1493976 said:
The Raiders will be tougher than most think and the Cards WILL beat the Browns.

why? because its a new calendar year... Raiders and Cardinals dont care about that :laugh2:
dargonking999;1493981 said:
Continually make a new thread on the same subject the moment it falls of the first page is pointless.

So is you whining about it.
dargonking999;1493981 said:
your point? this discussion board has a search tool, where you can find the many threads on this subject. Simply making the thread day in and day out. Saying the same things, when nothing has changed, is not the point of a discussion board

i bet if you go back and look at all these type of threads and find some users that replied to more than 1 of them , i bet at least one changed their projection. :)
YoMick;1494016 said:
why? because its a new calendar year... Raiders and Cardinals dont care about that :laugh2:
I think alot of peoples hopes are too high. The Browns will be pretty decent defensively, I dont think 7-9 is a stretch.
vs PITTSBURGH STEELERS - loss, Roth and Co. are angry and ready to kill
vs CINCINNATI BENGALS - loss, Palmer is 100%
@ Oakland Raiders - loss, the Raider's defense is too tough for Clev
@ New England Patriots - loss
vs MIAMI DOLPHINS - win, dolphins are in disarray,who's the QB?
@ St. Louis Rams - loss
vs SEATTLE SEAHAWKS -loss, common sense says a loss
@ Pittsburgh Steelers - loss, the Bowling capital of the world can't compete
@ Baltimore Ravens - loss, defense, defense, defense
vs HOUSTON TEXANS -win, Houston has no QB, running backs or defense
@ Arizona Cardinals - loss, road game=loss
@ New York Jets - loss plain and simple
vs BUFFALO BILLS - loss, players and fans are saying "***?"
@ Cincinnati Bengals - loss, players are calling T.O. and R. Moss for advice
vs SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS - loss, Alex Smith is improving, Gore is tough

So it looks after further review that tere are MAYBE TWO wins. Cleveland wants a "Do Over" with their trade with us and Jerry probably doesn't bite. Oh when the Saints, go marching in .... Oh when the Saints go marching in ....

:starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin :starspin
Strait from Vegas...

11 wins — New England;
10 ½ wins — Indianapolis and San Diego;
10 wins — Chicago;
9½ wins — Denver;
9 wins — Baltimore, Carolina, Cincinnati, Dallas, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Seattle;
8½ wins — Jacksonville.
8 wins — Kansas City, New York Giants and New York Jets;
7 ½ wins — Atlanta, Green Bay, St. Louis and Washington;
7 wins — Arizona, Miami, San Francisco, Tampa Bay and Tennessee
6 ½ wins — Houston and Minnesota;
6 wins — Buffalo and Detroit;
5½ wins — Cleveland;
5 wins — Oakland.

5 - 6 wins.

Vegas never loses. (Thats still a top 5 pick though)
Oakland has a good D, their offense was so bad it dragged them all down.
Houston Arizona and maybe the Bills are their best bets for wins. Really the Browns D did not play any really good offenses last year, so their D stats are not exactly the real thing. I think 5-11 is about right.
Hostile;1493713 said:
My wife pays all the bills so I have no stress over money.


What are you saying? You're the Richard Siegler of the CowboysZone? :lmao: :lmao2:
dargonking999;1493887 said:
ok like seriously are we gonna do this once a day till the season is over? I mean good lord, does it matter what we see? They haven't even made it training camp yet. GOod lord people, you thought we discussed this enough during draft day.

When you're right you're right, this is getting old.

I have a new thread topic.

OK, Let's assume we have the number one pick in the 2008 draft.
Let's also assume that one of the top QB's, maybe Brohm, has established himself as the next franchise QB.

dargonking999;1493887 said:
ok like seriously are we gonna do this once a day till the season is over? I mean good lord, does it matter what we see? They haven't even made it training camp yet. GOod lord people, you thought we discussed this enough during draft day.
Cue the Chris Rea music...

Fool if you think it's over, (it's) just begun...

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