BTB:2012 NFL Draft: Should Cowboys Stay Put Or Trade Down?


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by One.Cool.Customer on Apr 7, 2012 10:30 AM CDT in Dallas Cowboys 2012 Draft

Large parts of every NFL fanbase are indulging in trade down fantasies at this very moment. Cowboys fans are no different. And it appears that neither are the NFL front offices. A couple of weeks ago, Dan Pompei of the National Football Post wrote that there may be a whole bunch of teams looking to trade down in this year's draft:


Given the strengths and weaknesses of the draft, teams are thinking they rather would have multiple second, third and fourth round picks than one first rounder.

Reports out of Valley Ranch suggest the Cowboys were open to trading out of the #9 spot last year, but nothing ever materialized. Are the Cowboys looking to trade down again this year, and more importantly, should they?