News: BTB: 2015 BTB Playoff Pick 'Em Results: Mopping Up The Divisional Round


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We review the results of our Pick 'Em contest from the Divisional Round and wonder whether we care at all about the Conference Championships.

I find that I quickly lose interest in the playoffs when the Cowboys are eliminated or, as has been the case more often than not, the Cowboys didn't make the playoffs in the first place. But, as we've learned this season, it's important to finish the fight and power through adversity, which is why were going to continue with our BTB Playoff Pick 'Em Contest as if nothing has changed.

But before we get to the picks for the Conference Championship games this weekend, let's take a quick look at how our contestants have fared over the last two weeks. Our Pick 'Em contest asked you to pick the straight up winners for the four games on each of the last two weekends. And to spice things up, we used a Confidence Points scoring system where you had to give each game you picked a specific point value based on how strongly you felt about the accuracy of your selection.

If you had correctly picked every single one of the eight winners so far, you'd have gotten 80 points, which the exact points total BTB-member Realist Larry has amassed by correctly picking the four winners of the Wild Card Round and the four winners of the Divisional round.

A few other participants came close, but nobody outside of Realist Larry is batting 1.000 in the playoffs. Here's a short summary of the Top 10 participants in our Pick 'Em contest, you'll find the full results of all participants at the end of this post.

Player Wild Card Round Divisional Round Total Points
Realist Larry
40 40 80​
40 36 76​
The Joker
32 40 72​
40 32 72​
32 36 68​
36 32 68​
40 28 68​
40 28 68​
40 28 68​
The Loco Llama
40 28 68​

Congratulations to all of you and good luck defending your Top 10 spot for the remainder of the playoffs.


Conference Championship Picks

Our Confidence Points system gets a lot simpler this week with just two games being played. This week, you will assign 8 points to one game, and 16 points to the other.

Do Not: assign 16 points to both games

Do Not: assign 8 points to both games

Click on the link below and you'll be taken directly to the Playoff Pick 'em entry form where you can select the teams you like for the win and assign your Confidence Points.

The link above should auto-fill your BTB user name into the entry form (in most cases). In some cases, the link hasn't worked properly, so here's an alternative link that works without the auto-fill - just remember to spell your username correctly.

Alternative Playoff Pick 'Em Entry Form

If you prefer not to use your BTB user name, or are not a BTB member, go ahead and enter a name of your choosing, but try to stick with that name throughout the playoffs.


Full Playoff Pick'Em results to date

Here are the result of all the 210 participants who submitted their picks for both of the last two weeks. "WC" is their points total from the Wild Card round, "DIV" is their points total from the Divisional round, and "TOT" is the sum of the two.

Realist Larry 40 40 80 debateallas 24 28 52 stubbynuggs 16 28 44
Zubius 40 36 76 doomsdayreturns 24 28 52 cOUboy12 20 24 44
The Joker 32 40 72 illcowboy 24 28 52 icebowl68 20 24 44
enogueras 40 32 72 Mike Easter 24 28 52 jimmy.marshall2 20 24 44
carguy102 32 36 68 qcisco 24 28 52 Johnny-Boy 20 24 44
adamjamessaul 36 32 68 Smax17177 24 28 52 -Maverick- 20 24 44
aaa61aaa 40 28 68 Uriahchase 24 28 52 Trent Schoneweis 20 24 44
Dallasfan4life 40 28 68 camrin55 28 24 52 aat2326 24 20 44
j-man 40 28 68 Jakuando 28 24 52 Paul Schork 24 20 44
The Loco Llama 40 28 68 JayRosser27 28 24 52 CDMac24 28 16 44
PrimeTimePlaymaker 28 36 64 Max2 28 24 52 Chuck Sisco 28 16 44
BigBad Joe 36 28 64 oldboysfan 28 24 52 cowboyszone 28 16 44
BuckyWaters 36 28 64 StarloverinWNC 28 24 52 Edward colon 28 16 44
LotharOTHP 36 28 64 tdships 28 24 52 nreyesjr02 28 16 44
Mikhaili 36 28 64 toke08 28 24 52 Rdbull1 28 16 44
Nord15 36 28 64 burrito electrico 32 20 52 sportsfanatic21 28 16 44
shooter09 36 28 64 DarthGrumpa 32 20 52 Trufus 28 16 44
TheBoysRBack 36 28 64 duffer33 32 20 52 TunaDitka 28 16 44
Americasteam7 40 24 64 Elavien 32 20 52 Witten mittens 28 16 44
angie'sdad 40 24 64 Hambrickwall 32 20 52 hookerhome 32 12 44
revellyre 40 24 64 JerrodWheeler 32 20 52 meisternance 32 12 44
mbraunginn 28 32 60 juanners 32 20 52 BUBBA KUHL 36 8 44
ansky23 32 28 60 Specific 32 20 52 Chad Loveland 36 8 44
Benthere 32 28 60 Through Thick And Thin 32 20 52 NCHeelsBoysFan 36 8 44
canuckpaisa 32 28 60 tsylvest 32 20 52 just-the-facts 12 28 40
k@s! 32 28 60 BigD_83 36 16 52 Baked Potato Soup 16 24 40
prokopii 32 28 60 chappycav 36 16 52 clearwall 20 20 40
Robsa 32 28 60 cwby4lf 36 16 52 CowboyOcelot 20 20 40
socialmediaisforgirls 32 28 60 ginge159 36 16 52 dWhisper 20 20 40
ICanSeeJerryWorldFromHere 36 24 60 Jessy S 36 16 52 JonnyDanger 20 20 40
Sean N 36 24 60 JollyRancher 36 16 52 pugbuddy 20 20 40
Switters023 36 24 60 Jtiddahr 36 16 52 wildtigger2 20 20 40
Wildhair 36 24 60 wittenfan 36 16 52 BarrJNJ 24 16 40
ArgentinaJr 40 20 60 DayLate$$Short 40 12 52 castaway42 24 16 40
coolmajaka 40 20 60 Farrah's Daddy 40 12 52 Rohpuri 24 16 40
scotscowboyfan 40 20 60 Rajohnnn 40 12 52 bandoozle 28 12 40
Zak 40 20 60 braininahat 20 28 48 BigDFanSince77 28 12 40
banananas 20 36 56 Katana 20 28 48 cap2vator 28 12 40
Millard Fillmore 24 32 56 Nova84 20 28 48 GalTex 28 12 40
AKCOWBOYFAN 28 28 56 Silverblue 20 28 48 kat31 28 12 40
anthony.j.avery 28 28 56 Rev.Trublue 24 24 48 Lrogue 28 12 40
BaylorBrianL 28 28 56 Speedy1211 24 24 48 NutriaBoudin 28 12 40
blue & silver 28 28 56 starmesh23 24 24 48 Tallgrass Prairie 28 12 40
boys.camncrew 28 28 56 Swanhooch 24 24 48 LoboTX 32 8 40
cleanpants 28 28 56 True Blue-liever 24 24 48 mfoster 32 8 40
cowboy1966 28 28 56 upfrunt 24 24 48 Shadowcat 12 24 36
DEL1SLE 28 28 56 Vector_41 24 24 48 OBWDC 16 20 36
Mr. 6 Iron 28 28 56 Yellowbeard 24 24 48 Sandmann 16 20 36
OGTOMMYG 28 28 56 AnderJ86 28 20 48 Dc88 20 16 36
Pagrebo 28 28 56 BR47 28 20 48 gershwin 20 16 36
San Antonio Al 28 28 56 CTCowboy 28 20 48 thepainster 36 0 36
Spaceball 28 28 56 dentltek 28 20 48 dandeogden 4 28 32
Supherbyus 28 28 56 erik.furton 28 20 48 oaktree1992 8 24 32
tbar1 28 28 56 Normrock 28 20 48 Canadian Cowboy_74 20 12 32
WilliamC 28 28 56 Odd Good 28 20 48 Densa 20 12 32
YumaCactus 28 28 56 Oztuck 28 20 48 Oldeschool 20 12 32
Az_dave 32 24 56 Sir Robin 28 20 48 SHDad 20 12 32
Cowboy Joe 32 24 56 SoCalCowboysFan12 28 20 48 rbobharper 24 8 32
CowboysFan_Nepal 32 24 56 UTcowboy 28 20 48 CTRealdeal 28 4 32
DCowboy 32 24 56 yushay bohra 28 20 48 since '66 32 0 32
Jebediah Flibberbrush 32 24 56 ibleedcowboyblue 32 16 48 The Sethnicity 32 0 32
maragath 32 24 56 Lajitas Lava 32 16 48 yobwoc 16 12 28
mdyson 32 24 56 Morgan460 32 16 48 tattooed cowboy 20 8 28
Splyle 32 24 56 Terry 32 16 48 4evercowboy 28 0 28
Troy 32 24 56 wakemeupbeforeyouromo 32 16 48 cowtownNcowboysfan 28 0 28
Zmen 32 24 56 1Bullseye 36 12 48 Jeff Landrith 0 24 24
BishopWest 36 20 56 damnarab2 36 12 48 Dcfansinceiwasababy 16 8 24
hitman477s 36 20 56 florida dodger 36 12 48 IloveCows 20 0 20
MUTTS 36 20 56 kethry1313 36 12 48 freightgod 16 0 16
NorthStar99 40 16 56 jamesvb 40 8 48 TRAVLR 16 0 16

Additionally, we had 47 participants who only submitted their picks for the Divisional round. Here are their results:

Divisional Round Participant Results
40 LeftCoastin
36 Scott_Partridge
28 cowboymikemc, Daledoe , extant463, , lucke, Mikado69, PSUTim, sassylion, Seatown7
24 eddie, Lcdano24,
20 gabrielau23, jdiamjr, No nunez, parsonsheath, TimmyG, Westmodelmarket
16 cman1494, Cowboykjm4203, cwbys4evr, David Noyola, hedheman77, jra32boyz, lundsh, Reno Cowboy, scottb1985
12 Bluemymind, Dalatsuongmu, David Perez, Denve34, Eightsnotenough, Jack Rabbit, joeyounger206, Mattattack, sixrings09, unit22
8 bluechipjoe, DoomsDay Dub, Mr._Mulligan, sampsongsd
0 COWBOYS_LONGHORNS4LIFE, Crack2311, domingo, Sloan_kett

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