News: BTB: Community Friday: Who Is Your All-Time Favorite Cowboy?


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It's time for another Community Friday.

From time to time we like to mix things up here at BTB. One way we do that is by having an occasional Community Friday where we throw things up for discussion among the community. This week's question is simply 'Who is your all time favorite Dallas Cowboy?'

To get the discussion off to a good start, I began by asking my colleagues here at the virtual offices of Blogging The Boys the same question. Here is what they had to say.


Emmitt Smith. I loved watching him grow and change over the course of his career, going from a quick back who dazzled with ankle-breaking moves to a more power-oriented back who finished runs with every one of his 210 pounds behind his shoulder pads. He was the legs, the engine and the most valuable player on those great 90s teams (when he wasn't in the lineup - which, thankfully didn't happen often - they lost. From 1991 on, Smith missed a total of eight games; the Cowboys were 107 in those contests). He was an underrated receiver and a devastating blocker. Plus, he was the strongest-willed athlete I've ever seen, in any sport. We have to erase the 2001 version of Smith from our minds and remember that he was the league's single biggest offensive threat for a five year period in the early to mid-90s. And with good reason: he was awesome.

I agree Rabs, Emmitt was awesome during his heyday. His performance for the Cowboys of the dynasty era played a large role in the success of those teams. One of our colleagues, blessed with the gift of youth, has his own take on the question.

Michael Sisemore

Tony Romo- I'm 27 years old, I remember the glory days but not as fondly as I wish I could. I have never rooted or supported a player as much as I have Tony Romo. His story, his ambitions and his character make him my favorite of all time. I remember the days before he finally got his chance and I would never want to revisit those times. Through Quincy Carter, Drew Henson, Vinny Testaverde and Drew Bledsoe; it was a revolving door that made it really hard to be a fan sometimes. Tony Romo embodies the underdog and amazing will power to achieve great things. Call me crazy but there is nothing in the world that would make me happier than for him to grab a lombardi, I would even mortgage the Cowboys' future for guys like him and Jason Witten to get one ring.
That is a good point Michael. For the younger fans out there who don't have the clearest of memories of the glory days, Tony would be the logical choice. After all, Romo is the glue that held things together for quite a few years when some of the players surrounding him were not quite up to par. I would hate to think about where the team would have been without him.

Tom Ryle


Daryl Johnston became my favorite for his selfless, blue collar approach to the game. He played a very unglamorous position, but still became a star on a team full of them. Then he went straight into broadcasting, and he is one of the best analysts in the business. (Better than his old quarterback, in my opinion.) But mostly it was because he was one of the "other" players who made it clear from watching the game that one man, or even a set of triplets, does not win a game, It takes all 11 on the field at any given time.

Don't worry folks, even though turned an impressive shade of Cowboys blue before stopping to take a breath, no BTB writers were actually harmed in writing this piece. I love Moose. He was the pinnacle of what a fullback should be, the highest evolution of a rapidly fading position.


I'm not sure that I have a favorite player as such. But I have two different categories that that I'd like to talk about.

The player that most impresses me, both as a player and as a man, is Roger Staubach. For me, Staubach is "old school" in the best possible way: a man of honor, principles, and integrity; a natural leader on and off the field; the Uber-RKG. Roger Goodell cries a little bit every time he stands in the shadow of Staubach, wishing he could be a fraction of the man Staubach is.

The players that most excite me, and I am going for the current team here, are Dez Bryant and Rolando McClain. When the ball goes Bryant's way my eyes go wide; the possibility that something incredible could happen when he touches the ball is just electrifying. McClain, when he's on his game, plays with a violence, precision, and dominance that gives the entire defense a completely different feel.

Good points! Staubach brought a level of class to the team that was on par with his coach's own level. I wish that I had the opportunity to see him play He will always be the standard against which all Cowboys are judged.

Dave Halprin

It's a tough call, so many greats. But when I was a kid, I loved Too Tall Jones. The way he was all padded up and huge, he looked like some kind of futuristic warrior to me. Also had a thing for Robert Newhouse, that little bowling ball with legs, loved it. Of course, that was just the impressions of a wide-eyed kid. Later, when I started critically analyzing the game, Troy Aikman stood out. He did exactly what he was asked to do, and he did it with surgical precision.

Love the description of "Too Tall". It not only sums up the way he looked, but the way he played as well. I'm also glad to see House getting a mention. It was a sad day when we learned of his passing. He is another Cowboy that was pure class.

Coach Gary

Mine is Bob Lilly

Got to spend part of an afternoon with him and will never forget that day.

He was Mr. Cowboy and was a great role model. I remember hearing his style as being "on the way to the quarterback, he would grab everyone in the backfield and the discard them until he was down to just the quarterback". He would often draw triple teams and still make plays.

Color me green with envy. I would love the opportunity to spend time with any of the Ring of Honor members, but to hang out with the original would be amazing.

Since we are hitting on men who brought class to the organization on and off of the field, now we get to my favorite all time Dallas Cowboy, Mr. Tom Landry. There is little doubt that the groundwork that lead to the growth of one of the National Football League's most successful franchises was laid by its original head coach. Landry stepped in and build a franchise from nothing into a multi-time Super Bowl winning program. He was one of the greatest innovators in the game's history, but Tom Landry was so much more. His impact on the world extends to his being a example to others outside the game. There are many players that you can say they the game is better for their having been in it, but with Coach Landry even the most ardent Cowboys haters would have to agree that the world is better because he was here for a short period of time.

Now it is your turn. This is one of those places where there are no wrong answers, everyone has a different opinion and reasoning to support their choice. You can even choose Clint Longley if your heart desires. We want to know 'Who is your all time favorite Dallas Cowboy?' All that is asked is that if Mr. Longley does show up as a choice, that you attack the message not the messenger. As always keep the discussion civil and within the site decorum. Now, let's hear your answer and why that person has become your favorite.

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