News: BTB: Cowboys @ Chargers: Let's Hear Your Predictions For The Game


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It's your turn to speak up.

The Dallas Cowboys first preseason game is just about here. Tonight, the Cowboys will face off against the Chargers. We've been talking a lot about who to watch, how the Cowboys might approach the game and all kinds of other stuff. Now, we want to turn it over to you. We want to hear what you think will happen tonight and get it all down on record before the game.

First, we've got a new widget to introduce. It will allow all of us to predict the score of tonight's game. Now, I realize predicting the score of a preseason game is pretty meaningless, but we might continue this into the regular season, so we're testing it out now. Once scores are submitted, it will show the predicted score for this blog, for our competition blog (tonight that Bolts From The Blue) and the predictions of general NFL fans and Vegas. So go ahead and make your score prediction.

After predicting the score, let's hear what you think will happen tonight. Hit up the comments and let us know who will shine and who will bomb?

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