His stats for Romo are slightly off...
He counts Romo's 1st game as a 100+ QBR game, but Romo didn't start that game. So that game shouldn't be counted when determining the win%--since he takes the number of 100+ QBR games and divides by number of starts, he should only include 100+ QBR games where the QB--wait for it--actually started.
He also counted Romo's game in 2010 where he got injured and was put on IR. Romo only threw 7 passes before getting injured. I think it's safe to say that it's much, MUCH harder to have a 100+ QBR after throwing 30 passes than it is after throwing 7 lol...he should have had a minimal limit to pass attempts in 100+ QBR games (say, 15 attempts) instead of just a minimum number of starts. My guess is that he probably made some similar types of mistakes with other QBs as well.
Plus, the list only includes currently active QBs...he should have gone back further so that Romo could be compared to more QBs (like Favre and Warner) and included any QB who started 32 games since 2000--and then included their entire career (so using Favre and Warner again, we would include their SB seasons in the late 90s in their totals).
Lastly, it would have been good to also have a separate list of QBs who have had 100+ QBR games in the playoffs. Unfortunately, the company Romo keeps on that list would include Aaron Brooks, David Garrard, Trent Dilfer, Elvis Grbac, Jake Plummer and Tim Tebow. (if you want to be literal, he'd actually be below some of those guys, based off of "100+ games in % of total games started in the playoffs")