News: BTB:Why The Dallas Cowboys Should Try To Renegotiate Tony Romo’s Contract


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In the endless articles about Tony Romo’s situation - and I’ve written quite a few of them myself - see here, here, and here - most of the discussion has been about cutting him, or holding out for a trade, while the Cowboys, Tony Romo, and any potential trading partner appear to be locked in a stalemate that might last for some time.

Is there another option that might resolve the current impasse and work out well for all parties? I think there could be if Tony Romo were willing to cooperate.


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interesting article, but I somehow can't see him doing a deal like that...perhaps with incentives for games in uniform.... tony, wish him the best, wish the cowboys MORE of the best than tony...


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I have been echoing this for weeks. Dallas has every incentive in world to redo Romo contract and keep him on team as back-up.


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Seems like a reasonable option. Think Tony dorked this all up by jumping the gun with his "goodbye" video.


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And I really get the sense (through nothing but my gut) that Jerry has really dug his heels in and is not just playing hardball due to the way the Texans and Broncos have been using the media

May even factor into why everyone was allowed to walk. Bracing to absorb the contract if it came to it.


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He isn't going to redo the deal to remain as the backup but he will redo it to help facilitate him gong to another team.

fine. Don't redo the deal and just let him be the back up. Its not like Dallas needs his cap space after June 1st.


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And I really get the sense (through nothing but my gut) that Jerry has really dug his heels in and is not just playing hardball due to the way the Texans and Broncos have been using the media

May even factor into why everyone was allowed to walk. Bracing to absorb the contract if it came to it.

I laugh every time I see an article or a fan post that there is no way Romo is on the roster this year. I don't think it's far fetched at all for Jerry to try and keep him if he can't trade him. For as happy as I'm sure Jerry is with Dak, I just don't think he wants to let Romo leave. Keeping a backup at that salary is not conventional but they had planned to have them both for 1 or 2 more years anyway so it's not like they can't make it work. It would just come down to Jerry convincing Romo to go along which is something Jerry has said he thinks he can do.


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The incentive for Romo to do this should be to give him permission to talk to teams and find one that will trade for him.
Its probably his contract that limits what other teams want to do. If they trade they take his 14 million dollar deal...when he is released other clubs can negociate something lower?


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Yeah romo and his stupid video. Your a cowboy until further notice.


It's all in the reflexes
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I think Tony would rather be a starting QB for $7M than be a back-up in Dallas for $14M. He sat the bench basically all last way he wants to go through that again if he thinks he can be a starter. Tony believes he still has some good years left being a starting QB and doesn't want to waste them. is money, but he's made a good amount and probably knows that push come to shove, he can get a network job. In the back of his mind, he may be thinking about having future regrets for not giving it another go at the starting position.


It's Back
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And I really get the sense (through nothing but my gut) that Jerry has really dug his heels in and is not just playing hardball due to the way the Texans and Broncos have been using the media

May even factor into why everyone was allowed to walk. Bracing to absorb the contract if it came to it.

Just curious what have the Broncos and Texans done in the media?
I haven't seen either team say they wanted Romo or seen anywhere that they would pursue him if released, I am just curios how they have used the media


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Its probably his contract that limits what other teams want to do. If they trade they take his 14 million dollar deal...when he is released other clubs can negociate something lower?

That's what I'm talking about. If he had a new incentive based contract in hand and permission to talk to teams about a starting position and possible trade, he may be able to get his wish. That could be the incentive to redo his deal but it needs to come with the ability to go out and find a starting job.


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That's what I'm talking about. If he had a new incentive based contract in hand and permission to talk to teams about a starting position and possible trade, he may be able to get his wish. That could be the incentive to redo his deal but it needs to come with the ability to go out and find a starting job.
Makes sense for the Cowboys. Maybe Romo doesn't want that arrangement.


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I think Tony would rather be a starting QB for $7M than be a back-up in Dallas for $14M. He sat the bench basically all last way he wants to go through that again if he thinks he can be a starter. Tony believes he still has some good years left being a starting QB and doesn't want to waste them. is money, but he's made a good amount and probably knows that push come to shove, he can get a network job. In the back of his mind, he may be thinking about having future regrets for not giving it another go at the starting position.
That seems logical. He wants to play or so it seems and he certainly doesn't need money.


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If I was Romo, there's no way I would redo my contract. Romo has money and has a post-football career waiting for him, so why would he want to restructure his contract to take less money and increase the risk Dallas would keep him as a backup?

Right now, that huge contract with the $24.7m salary cap hit this year is exactly why he will either be traded or released. If Romo restructured, then the Cowboys would very likely realize that keeping him as a backup would be a much better plan than releasing him and if he decides to retire after restructuring, even better.

The problem for the Cowboys is that no team wants Romo's contract AND have to give up decent draft picks for him. The Cowboys are simply going to wait it out and see if a team blinks or gets desperate. They have the cap room to handle his contract right now so there's no sense of urgency on the Cowboys part.

As I have already said previously, if I were the Cowboys I would not release Romo until after the draft at the earliest just to see if any team wants to make a deal during or right after the draft if they fail to get any quarterbacks they wanted. If I were Romo, I would sit back and let it play out. He knows he will be released or traded at some point and he knows that he has no control over when that will happen. He should just keep working out and doing his regular off-season routines and eventually this will work itself out.


Well-Known Member
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Just curious what have the Broncos and Texans done in the media?
I haven't seen either team say they wanted Romo or seen anywhere that they would pursue him if released, I am just curios how they have used the media
Just curious what have the Broncos and Texans done in the media?
I haven't seen either team say they wanted Romo or seen anywhere that they would pursue him if released, I am just curios how they have used the media

The constant quotes about how they won't trade anything for him, or haven't had a single meeting about him etc etc. it's constant and reeks of posturing and media manipulation to force Jerrys hand.

May not be the case but feels like it, and is my deduction


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Candice would like this.

Keep hubby safe
Have hubby bring in easy money
Stay in Dallas with in-laws and new house
Be around before, when, and after new kid is born in August

But by ALL insider accounts, Romo is obsessively competitive--its why he played injured so much and shunned the bars to always be playing some sort of game in his "down" time.

Hard to imagine him settling as backup just yet, and especially when he feels certain (right or wrong) he had 2014 or better left in him.