But wait, I thought that other site had so many more...


New Member
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whcarm said:
Today Roy Philpunk has been gloating about how superior his site is to this site. He has been boasting about how many more people are over there and how little are over here.

But here are some interesting numbers:

Today, after that site "broke" so bogus rumor trying to get more people to subscribe to the site, should have been a huge day for that site, right?

Hmm, nope.

I went through the pages. That site has a few stickies, which I discounted, but I took the top 24 regular posts from each site. Here is what I found:

the top 24 threads here had been viewed a total of 12513 times. While the top 24 threads there had only been viewed 12025 times.

And just to dismiss any claims that the threads get updated there more often, all of the 24 threads were from today.
Wow, I'm suprised that is has taken some individuals so long to finally realize that the site there is nothing but a scam.


Well-Known Member
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Who cares, its all drama. These are message boards. If you dont like one or get banned from one, go to another.

Since we signed el dorado, I have fond that all boards suck pretty equally. Its probably me just not wanting to read about the freak, yet hes everywhere and being called a god and more, ugggg....Calgon, take me away......

I cant believe your over here crying cause you got banned from over there.

Jeesh, grow up. Who cares what RP does. Again, if you have a problem with what he does, dont go to HIS site.

I have found one truth to exist in any board regarding any subject matter you care to name. If the guys there agree with you, its a cool site, if they dont, that site sucks. So your post about the other site sucking makes me believe you had a little lovers spat with Roy or one or more of the posters over there.


The Duke
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TwoDeep3 said:
The T.O. to Dallas story originated from a conversation I had with Michael Irvin.

I emailed Hostile the very night I had this discussion dated before the season ended.

Verify that with Hostile. I still have the PM's.
TwoDeep3 is 100% telling the truth about he PMed me that he had met with and talked to Michael Irvin about TO.

That will hopefully save anyone from having to PM me for details, and will for those who do not know TD it will alert them that he is credible.

I have no desire to discuss the other events that transpired last night beyond a simple comment.



Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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On this whole Ranch versus Zone thing, I'll offer my 2 cents worth:

Generally, the Ranch IS livelier on any given day... if I post the exact same thing to this board and to that one, I can count on more responses over on the Ranch...

At the same time, the moron level over on that board is radically higher than it is here... sometimes, that's a good thing, that board's often for a good laugh (I helped create the Buffoon Brigade, one of my finer moments)...

But this board has a much higher percentage of knowledgeable posters than the Ranch does... it also has guys like Pittdawg, Dale and BrownSugar, posting stuff you won't find over there-- until they come over here and rip it off, LOL...

And since this board has never made me a moderator (a testimony to the good judgment of the folks who run it), it logically follows that they've never canned me as a mod with no good reason, the way Roy did over there... and STILL hasn't offered up the first word of explanation why he did it, let alone any kind of thanks for the things I did for that board (including pinch-hitting for TwoDeep on a game analysis article after the Lions game)...

I participate on both boards, and will continue to do so, if only because I like the looser, more in-your-face attitude over there, but for some time now, I have posted more often in here than over in there...

This is the board for serious Cowboys talk... that's the board to cut up with your buddies while talking Cowboys...

The only thing I won't dispute is that Roy Philpott can be a card-carrying jerk when the mood's on him, though in all candor, I don't blame him for gettin' pissed when his premium content is reposted... though I enjoy reading those posts in here, we shouldn't be doing that, really...


Active Member
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silverbear said:
On this whole Ranch versus Zone thing, I'll offer my 2 cents worth:

Generally, the Ranch IS livelier on any given day... if I post the exact same thing to this board and to that one, I can count on more responses over on the Ranch...

At the same time, the moron level over on that board is radically higher than it is here... sometimes, that's a good thing, that board's often for a good laugh (I helped create the Buffoon Brigade, one of my finer moments)...

But this board has a much higher percentage of knowledgeable posters than the Ranch does... it also has guys like Pittdawg, Dale and BrownSugar, posting stuff you won't find over there-- until they come over here and rip it off, LOL...

And since this board has never made me a moderator (a testimony to the good judgment of the folks who run it), it logically follows that they've never canned me as a mod with no good reason, the way Roy did over there... and STILL hasn't offered up the first word of explanation why he did it, let alone any kind of thanks for the things I did for that board (including pinch-hitting for TwoDeep on a game analysis article after the Lions game)...

I participate on both boards, and will continue to do so, if only because I like the looser, more in-your-face attitude over there, but for some time now, I have posted more often in here than over in there...

This is the board for serious Cowboys talk... that's the board to cut up with your buddies while talking Cowboys...

The only thing I won't dispute is that Roy Philpott can be a card-carrying jerk when the mood's on him, though in all candor, I don't blame him for gettin' pissed when his premium content is reposted... though I enjoy reading those posts in here, we shouldn't be doing that, really...

This is a pretty good post, but I must say this last paragraph is a little understated.

Yesterday afternoon Roy has been posting outright LIES about the people who run this board. Accusing them of reading private messages, faking numbers, etc.

Anyone who is a regular on this board knows the MODS here are fantastic, and REALITY does one heck of a job here. If you talk football and life with these folks like Hostile, Woody's Girl, CBZ, Reality, Dale, Juke, Brain and the others you know they are good people who are dedicated to making this a great, honest, and civil place.

ROY did what he could today to discredit them with unfounded LIES, and tried to pass it off just like he does for his paid services.

This is downright as low as it gets. It shows his true character and exactly what he is about. If anyone had any doubts about his character and ability to be honest, YOU DEFINETLY NOW KNOW THE TRUTH.
It is really sad when you think about it.


Well-Known Member
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Rack said:
I know what you mean to say, but this is actually quite impossible.

The Lubbock TV Station didn't break the news that we were interested in TO. They broke the news that we SIGNED TO. Big difference.

Also, "breaking" news that Jerry Jones was interested in TO isn't exactly "Breaking News". There were likely 20+ other owners/GMs speaking of the possibility of him being available at around the same time. Like you said, they didn't break a rule. They were just discussing what kind of interest they might have if TO were to become available.

Oh, and if this trade even remotely comes close to happeing, I will be the first to subscribe to that toilet over there.

So, therefore, it would be impossible for TRR to break the news that TO signed with the Cowboys while TO was still the property of the Eagles.

Now, I know you can't and/or won't comment on the crap RP posted about WoodysGirl (and CBZ in general) earlier, but I do wonder what you think of his behavior during his "Tirade". Not exactly the kind of professionalism you'd expect from the owner of such a "great" cowboys site.

That said, none of those threads are on the public forums anymore, and I wouldn't be surprised if he completely deleted them from the server.

Not to mention that Irvin made no bones about telling everyone where TOs best fit would be. He did it in every interview I saw him do during last season.

I'm sure TwoDeep talked to Irvin, but it wasn't exactly highly classified information.

Here is how much of a proclamation the Ranch Report made, little old me, the day TO is doing pushups in his driveway, guaranteed to my fellow Eagle co-workers, that he would be a Cowboy. Anyone want to join my site?


That Guy
Reaction score
Rack said:
I know what you mean to say, but this is actually quite impossible.

The Lubbock TV Station didn't break the news that we were interested in TO. They broke the news that we SIGNED TO. Big difference.

Also, "breaking" news that Jerry Jones was interested in TO isn't exactly "Breaking News". There were likely 20+ other owners/GMs speaking of the possibility of him being available at around the same time. Like you said, they didn't break a rule. They were just discussing what kind of interest they might have if TO were to become available.

So, therefore, it would be impossible for TRR to break the news that TO signed with the Cowboys while TO was still the property of the Eagles.

Ditto. The Dallas interest in TO rumors were around as soon as TO got suspended. Remember JJ was accused of tampering like the week after. So if you're calling "breaking the story" talking to Irvin a month before he was released from the Eagles, that's not breaking the SIGNING.


Well-Known Member
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TwoDeep3 said:
I have read every post in another thread on the opinion board about the trade and The Ranch Report .

And now I have read every post in this thread.

I continue to see comments about RP making up lies and charging for them.

I am not here to praise Caesar, nor defend him.

But let me state this unequivocally.

The T.O. to Dallas story originated from a conversation I had with Michael Irvin.

I emailed Hostile the very night I had this discussion dated before the season ended.

Verify that with Hostile. I still have the PM's.

I gave the information to Mike Fisher. He followed up with Irvin.

Irvin told me, and then Fish, that Jerry was hot for T.O. and Parcells was luke warm at the time.

There were some other things mentioned that I will omit because of Irvin offering opinions on siatuations with the team and staff that wasn't for public consumption.

This was also at a time that could have caused issues since T.O was still property of the Eagles. Although, and let me makes this absolutely clear, not once did Irvin suggest the Cowboys had contacted T.O. directly or through an intermediary. They did not break any NFL rule, but merely were discussing the possibility if he became available.

I never gave him his Miranda Rights and warn him about my ability to publish this in the magazine for that site. So I offered it to Fish, and he gained permission to write the article.

But I will state ansolutely that TRR broke the T.O. to Dallas story well over a month before the Lubbock TV Station aired it.

I also know for a fact there are paid journalists who have access to Valley Ranch and are paid by TRR.

So this notion things are made up is bogus with no facts to support it.

I am not defending any site or person here.

But I have wasted a half hour reading people making statements that are incorrect. Statements which could never be confirmed because they are not on the inside of the heirarchy of that site.

The value of the articles at any site are the sole decision of those who support them with money.

Want to question this? Contact Hostile. He swore he would not bring me into this, but did post a comment about what we discussed in private long before T.O. was brought in.

Just a little head's up.

Be careful - we might ban you!:laugh2:


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
There is no need to continue a board war or to rip on another person as an owner of another site.

If you like it there and not here, fine.

If you like it here and not there, Fine and Thanks.

If you like both sites then enjoy both sites without bashing one or the other.

Ripping on another site and it's owner is not something that looks good IMO and nothing good usually comes from it.

Take the high road and enjoy whichever site you frequent.

Something that people have said before and I will Echo it...we are all cowboys fans, we may not get along all the time but we are all Cowboys Fans. (well except for a few who visit from other teams fan groups).

So please try and take the high road and leave bashing other sites and owners in the public forums. IT does no good to get board wars going. I know, I have tried it before and it is just not worth it in the end.
