Can a golf fan please explain something to me..?

lewpac;2727329 said:
Then why don't they televise the first two days of the Masters? YOU TELL US!

The only thing you got left besides "follow the money" is some crack-pot conspiracy theory, and I'd love to hear it. It's probably right up there with the "they don't let girls play at Augusta" scandal.

I'm waiting for you genius answer.......................
We've already discussed this. It's because they try to limit the amount of the course that is shown on TV. It's an exclusive club and they do things their way.

It's the same reason they only have 4 minutes or whatever it is of commercials every hour during the televised broadcast. They don't think about just money. You think they couldn't make more money selling advertising spots? This is the Super Bowl of golf. It's the only major played at the same course every year. They don't just do things because they can make more money. They have a reputation that they believe they have to uphold.

And they do televise it on all days, it's just that they televise a limited amount of it. There's no disputing that they limit the exposure the course gets to the television audience. They've admitted it themselves.

TV viewers were able to see the first nine during the third round in 2000, after late-morning storms suspended play before CBS went on the air. The network made adjustments to show the last few groups from holes 1 through 9, including the final pairing of David Duval and Vijay Singh.

But this is the first year that the network has been able to show every hole on the first nine as a planned part of its coverage.

In the past, Augusta National officials didn't allow coverage of the full front nine at all, mostly because it limited the number of hours CBS could cover the Masters. Club officials said that more than several hours of coverage per day on the weekend would result in overexposure.
This article was written in 2002. It also mentions this interesting nugget.

Tiger Woods said he nearly didn't believe the third green when he saw it for the first time when playing the Masters as an amateur in 1995.
Tiger Woods didn't see the 3rd green until he played in the tournament for the first time.

Any more questions??
Thats a crock. Conspiracy theory. You're living in a land of shadows and spooks, hob-goblins and paranoia, looking over your shoulder at every turn for some "skull-duggery".

Bottom line, as with ANY Televisions production: If there's money in it, they'll broadcast it. No money = no broadcast.

I'm still waiting for a sane and logical reason why, with the biggest golf tournament in the world, why they don't televise the first two days. Something besides the money!

I've heard all I want to hear about what they do with "other golf Majors". Like you say, that's besides the point and has nothing to do with THIS conversation. Tell us, without some "spy novel" reason, why they do not televise the first 36 holes of the Masters?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??

The "Money" thing, I own. YOU have to come up with something else.............................and you can't. Because at CBS and in Augusta, nothing matter besides the $$$$$$$.
LOL. I just provided you a link from and that's not good enough? It has quotes from Jim Nantz and former Chairman of the Club, Hootie Johnson. All you can claim is it's some sort of conspiracy theory?? How about you back up your claims with a link... I've done my part.

You're a special kind of delusional.
lewpac;2727367 said:
Thats a crock. Conspiracy theory. You're living in a land of shadows and spooks, hob-goblins and paranoia, looking over your shoulder at every turn for some "skull-duggery".

Bottom line, as with ANY Televisions production: If there's money in it, they'll broadcast it. No money = no broadcast.

I'm still waiting for a sane and logical reason why, with the biggest golf tournament in the world, why they don't televise the first two days. Something besides the money!

I've heard all I want to hear about what they do with "other golf Majors". Like you say, that's besides the point and has nothing to do with THIS conversation. Tell us, without some "spy novel" reason, why they do not televise the first 36 holes of the Masters?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??

The "Money" thing, I own. YOU have to come up with something else.............................and you can't. Because at CBS and in Augusta, nothing matter besides the $$$$$$$.
What they do with other majors is not irrelevant. I am not a golf fan and I don't know what they do with other majors, but I can say this... If other majors are televised from start to finish then clearly there is enough viewership and sponsorship to make it worthwhile, therefore there there must be some other reason they don't televise the Masters. But if other majors do the same thing and only televise the late action, then you could certainly make the point that maybe it is financially wise to pass on the early action.

Personally I find it hard to believe that The Golf Channel wouldn't love to televise the early action from the Masters. It would probably get higher ratings than Charles Barkley reruns, don't you think?
peplaw06;2727611 said:
LOL. I just provided you a link from and that's not good enough? It has quotes from Jim Nantz and former Chairman of the Club, Hootie Johnson. All you can claim is it's some sort of conspiracy theory?? How about you back up your claims with a link... I've done my part.

You're a special kind of delusional.

Here's the most telling comment from your linked story:

"In the past, Augusta National officials didn't allow coverage of the full front nine at all, mostly because it limited the number of hours CBS could cover the Masters. Club officials said that more than several hours of coverage per day on the weekend WOULD RESULT IN OVEREXPOSURE".

The other relevant tid-bit from Hootie was that "he relented this year, with three hours of coverage on Saturday, and 4 1/2 hours today (Sunday)".
This STILL DOESN'T ANSWER THE OP'S question as to Thursday and Friday.

The only relevant stuff Nance said is the same conversation we're having here. He indicates that he's ready to announce whenever, and pines to cover more of the front nine. He doesn't list a reason WHY OR WHY NOT as to the amount of TV coverage. Which, BTW, is what the OP was asking.

So, your link settles nothing, because it does not address WHY they don't televise the first two days. So, I assert again..............follow the money. The GLARING quote from Augusta Officials about "overexposure" is the closest thing your gonna' get to an explanation. And THAT use of words allude's to NOTHING BUT ratings, interest and MONEY!!

Finally, I"M NOT THE ONE clinging to a "conspiracy theory". I'm the one saying that the ONLY explanation that makes sense is that there's NO MONEY IN IT, to televise the first two days..................and outside of THAT dynamic, all you CAN have are conspiracy theories and "secret skull" stories about Augusta wanting to remain "mysterious" or something.
lewpac;2728913 said:
Here's the most telling comment from your linked story:

"In the past, Augusta National officials didn't allow coverage of the full front nine at all, mostly because it limited the number of hours CBS could cover the Masters. Club officials said that more than several hours of coverage per day on the weekend WOULD RESULT IN OVEREXPOSURE".
Thanks for reinforcing my point...

They don't want the course to be displayed too much. What do you think overexposure means?? It doesn't have anything to do with interest, ratings or money.
peplaw06;2729222 said:
Thanks for reinforcing my point...

They don't want the course to be displayed too much. What do you think overexposure means?? It doesn't have anything to do with interest, ratings or money.

Why in the world wouldn't they "want the course to be displayed too much"?

Augusta National is a "for profit" organization. They MAKE MONEY when only ONE THING HAPPENS there.....................people play golf on the course.

Private membership is the primary cash cow. I imagine that they have "open" days several times, or many times a year when non-members can pay a hefty price to play a round. Either way, and ANY way you cut it, Augusta stays open when people PAY MONEY to play their course.

So, again, and for the umteenth time, IF (and I stress the word "IF") they "don't want the course to be displayed to much", then it has to be because of some crack-pot conspiracy/skull & cross-bones/mystery reason. Because I know, you know, CBS knows, and everyone else knows that Augusta National is into making money just like the rest of the world.

Why then would they sabotage their own well-being and prosperity, even their very survival by purposefully NOT allowing their tournament to be televised the full four days?
I can only speculate as to the reason they don't want the course to be "overexposed..." Because there's still a mystique associated with the course. I've already said this.

You didn't answer the question... What do you think "overexposure" means?

Do you think Jerry Jones doesn't want to risk the Cowboys being overexposed? Or do you think he'd rather make as much money as possible?
lewpac;2730074 said:
Why in the world wouldn't they "want the course to be displayed too much"?

Augusta National is a "for profit" organization. They MAKE MONEY when only ONE THING HAPPENS there.....................people play golf on the course.

Private membership is the primary cash cow. I imagine that they have "open" days several times, or many times a year when non-members can pay a hefty price to play a round. Either way, and ANY way you cut it, Augusta stays open when people PAY MONEY to play their course.

So, again, and for the umteenth time, IF (and I stress the word "IF") they "don't want the course to be displayed to much", then it has to be because of some crack-pot conspiracy/skull & cross-bones/mystery reason. Because I know, you know, CBS knows, and everyone else knows that Augusta National is into making money just like the rest of the world.

Why then would they sabotage their own well-being and prosperity, even their very survival by purposefully NOT allowing their tournament to be televised the full four days?

You realize that August does not work like normal golf course venues !
They are an exclusive bunch it is not about money for them the fees to be a member are astronomically high; and oh by the way just because you are a billionaire does not mean you get in. They would tell Bill gates to go take a flying leap despite him being the richest man in the world if his golf handicap was not low enough.

So the over exposure goes back to what they want and they are all about. It is not just about money and growing their membership they are the exact opposite they are about high fees and exclusiveness. That is what makes them the money and one of only a few places that can get away with it.
peplaw06;2730569 said:
I can only speculate as to the reason they don't want the course to be "overexposed..." Because there's still a mystique associated with the course. I've already said this.

You didn't answer the question... What do you think "overexposure" means?

Do you think Jerry Jones doesn't want to risk the Cowboys being overexposed? Or do you think he'd rather make as much money as possible?

All on..............

You say that I can "only speculate" as to a reason for no "overexposure", and then YOU CLAIM that there's "still a mystique" about the course.

Mystique: An aura of mystery or mystical power surrounding a particular occupation or pursuit. An aura of heightened value, interest, or meaning surrounding something, arising from attitudes and beliefs that impute special power or meaning to it.

Look it up. YOU'RE NOW MAKING MY POINT. MY POINT BEING: That outside of the $$$$$$$$$$$$$, the only reason left for NOT televising the first two days, (or any of the Masters for that matter), is some "mysterious hob-goblin Augusta skull & bones" reason.

Enough already. I'm done with this. Until you come up with a legitimate reason that would stand up in court besides "there's no money in it", I'm done.

And that includes any "mystique", which seems to be your argument.
lewpac;2730665 said:
All on..............

You say that I can "only speculate" as to a reason for no "overexposure", and then YOU CLAIM that there's "still a mystique" about the course.
You can't do anything but speculate either. Your speculation is that they can't make money by televising Thursday and Friday. My contention is that is ridiculous because all majors are televised on Thursday and Friday, and the other three are televised for most of the day. Hell, even the non-major golf tournaments are shown on Thursdays and Fridays on the Golf Channel, and occasionally on other cable networks.

But for the biggest tournament of the year, they can't make money by televising all day on ANY channel? Ridiculous.

Mystique: An aura of mystery or mystical power surrounding a particular occupation or pursuit. An aura of heightened value, interest, or meaning surrounding something, arising from attitudes and beliefs that impute special power or meaning to it.
Gee, thanks.

Look it up. YOU'RE NOW MAKING MY POINT. MY POINT BEING: That outside of the $$$$$$$$$$$$$, the only reason left for NOT televising the first two days, (or any of the Masters for that matter), is some "mysterious hob-goblin Augusta skull & bones" reason.
You can call it a dumb reason or not... doesn't matter to me because I'm not supporting their reasoning. The point is it IS the reason. It's not a conspiracy theory on my part. Enough people have admitted it for it to not be a conspiracy theory.

Enough already. I'm done with this. Until you come up with a legitimate reason that would stand up in court besides "there's no money in it", I'm done.

And that includes any "mystique", which seems to be your argument.
Like I said, I don't care whether it's a legitimate reason. It's THEIR reason, not mine. If we were in court and they admitted to it, like they have done in the article I've shown you and other times, then it would stand up in court.

Why don't you compare the ratings on the Thursday and Friday telecasts on ESPN to the telecasts of other tournaments on those days and see if there's no money to be made. I've supported my position, the least you could do is attempt to do the same rather then go on one incoherent rant after another.

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