Can Randy Moss and Terrell Owens co-exist on the Dallas Cowboys team?

Randy Moss could really help us. I believe we should just make the trade to get him. I believe Irvin should be the wide receivers coach if Jerry could get him.
Cap hell and locker room poison to even consider. I would not watch the Cowboys with any good humor while these two were on the team, what happens to Terry Glenn in this scenario? You think he'd like being the number three and Crayton would resign to be a number four?
RealCowboyfan;1357278 said:
Randy Moss could really help us. I believe we should just make the trade to get him. I believe Irvin should be the wide receivers coach if Jerry could get him.
Just out of curiosity, who or what would you trade for Moss? And do you know of a time when Irvin has publicly stated that he even wants to coach? Seems to me that he enjoys being in front of the camera moreso than standing on the sidelines.
We should've drafted him back then, now he's a frustrated man. Not to say he can't straighten up on a decent team and to be quite honest, I think playing a year in Oakland has humbled him a bit. Maybe if he came to a team like Dallas he could shine once again, maybe....
big dog cowboy;1357381 said:
Wow. Just wow.

By the time RCF starts another 20-30 threads, he'll have zero credibility left...

I've already come to the sad conclusion that the poor boy doesn't understand the game of football, as played in the NFL, at all... he wants punks and sociopaths, and nose tackles who can rush the passer... he wants teams to take our junk off our hands, and give us premium value in return...

His posts these days are simply RIDICULOUS... there's no other way to say it...
silverbear;1416733 said:
By the time RCF starts another 20-30 threads, he'll have zero credibility left...

I've already come to the sad conclusion that the poor boy doesn't understand the game of football, as played in the NFL, at all... he wants punks and sociopaths, and nose tackles who can rush the passer... he wants teams to take our junk off our hands, and give us premium value in return...

His posts these days are simply RIDICULOUS... there's no other way to say it...

The whole point is that you respond to every thread I post, so what does that make you, my side kick comedian:lmao2: ?
Its like watching a automobile crash in progress: you know you should look away, but the mess it causes just keeps you looking.
I thought Randy Moss hates the Cowboys now......due to us not drafting him
CrazyCowboy;1416761 said:
I thought Randy Moss hates the Cowboys now......due to us not drafting him

After all the numbers he puts up against us he should love us :(
Say Cowboy Fans, Who would win if Tom Landry played football vs. God?

I was in the spirit of this thread and went with it.
tunahelper;1416801 said:
Say Cowboy Fans, Who would win if Tom Landry played football vs. God?

I was in the spirit of this thread and went with it.

jobberone;1355495 said:
JJ refused to draft him then pays out the nose for someone IMO worse than TO. TO is a pain but makes an effort to play well. Moss is known to give it up.

Altho JJ was at one time very inexperienced and naive he isn't now. I don't think he drafts well but o/w is a decent GM. Of course that would get him fired if I were the owner but poor drafting is not the same as signing Moss.

Long answer for NO.

Let's elaborate on why JJ didn't take Moss to begin with. I don't believe it was out of inexperience or naiveness. The Cowboys back then were still reeling from raunchy and disturbing off the field player issues, particularly Micheal Irvin.

Moss had built up a controversial background before entering the draft. That is why we went defense on that first pick with Ellis which favorably speaks for itself.

Just say no to more idiots on this team. And Randy "MEME" Moss is a big one.
RealCowboyfan;1355486 said:
I believe they can because they just alike in many ways and I believe they will be the best of friends. They would really help each other because it's like in their mind they're compeating for stats, yards , touchdowns, and wins. I believe it could be a winner.

What are some of yall thoughts?

They would work like oil and water, no both guys ego is such that it would not work. Thankfully Glenn does not spend much time hollering or pouting for the football Moss and Owens do. Dallas does not need Moss in any shape or form
Just set the ring up at mid field......To heck w/a ref. :laugh1:
Moss is an idiot, as is TO. Who in there right mind would want both of these clowns on the same team? Get real guy.
RealCowboyfan;1416753 said:
The whole point is that you respond to every thread I post, so what does that make you, my side kick comedian:lmao2: ?

Your worst nightmare, actually...

If you don't want me responding to your ridiculous posts, start making some intelligent ones...

If you're capable of making intelligent posts... at this point, I'm not too optimistic about the chances of that happening...

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