Can The Skins "Flip The Switch On"?

5Stars said:
He is the ulitmate "sophisticated troll"...!

Everyone knows that I'm not the "ulitmate(SIC)" ...;)

5Stars said:
Yup, Phonetic-Freakin-Talon has it all figured out! He is the ulitmate "sophisticated troll"...!

Hey, PFT...the Cowboys are gonna beat the crap outta your team...again!

Put it in 3 inch letters!!


When you put "edited by" you totally discredit yourself...
5Stars said:
What did I edit?

Sorry I didnt mean you... look at the graphic with you know who...:rolleyes:

Originally Posted by YoMick
When you put "edited by" you totally discredit yourself...

Originally Posted by kmd24

Yup, Phonetic-Freakin-Talon has it all figured out! He is the ulitmate "sophisticated troll"...!

Hey, PFT...the Cowboys are gonna beat the crap outta your team...again!

Put it in 3 inch letters!!
YoMick said:
Sorry I didnt mean you... When you put "edited by" you totally discredit yourself...

Possible responses:

. Don't be discrete on my account ...

or ...

. It's ok to remain off-topic long as you include a sarcastic emoticon


. This guy really knows his football despite the fact that his response had nothing to do with the topic. ...:rolleyes:
Can the Skins flip the the switch? Well, yeah........absolutely........of course!

:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :dissskin:

according to our drunk kicker you can in fact turn it on when it counts. i assume that soon after saying that, we will shank another 30 yarder wide right.:bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2:
Teague31 said:
according to our drunk kicker you can in fact turn it on when it counts. i assume that soon after saying that, we will shank another 30 yarder wide right.:bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2:

Have you seen that "drunk" kickers wife? :eek:

Now, that is a switch I would like to turn on!!


By the way...even that baby faced brat, Cundiff, has a hot lady, too! What do these kickers have that we don't? (besides money)...;)
5Stars said:
Have you seen that "drunk" kickers wife? :eek:

Now, that is a switch I would like to turn on!!

By the way...even that baby faced brat, Cundiff, has a hot lady, too! What do these kickers have that we don't? (besides money)...;)

Ethics is a terrible thing to ignore!:rolleyes:
Phoenix-Talon said:
You made it crystal clear! could have just simply stated your opinion if you had one.

Instead you went on some philosophical tangent about the originator of a post having to be a mini mod and something about "what is my definition of ready".

Do we really want to start breaking down every word of a post as to what each person means by a certain word?

I am still very curious as to what YOU think "ready" means. I thought that was pretty self explanatory, but I guess not.
There are different types of winless preseasons.

There are the ones where your 3rd stringers and team rejects give up some points late in games to lose at the end of regulation long after the starters have been taken off the field.

And then there are the ones where your first team offense doesn't score a single point the entire preseason and you lose your star runningback, pro bowl caliber CB and best defensive lineman to injury.
gbrittain said:
I do not put much stock in preseason wins or losses. Actually, make that I put no stock in preseason wins or losses.

I do put some stock in how the first teamers looked together however much or little they played together.

To be fair, I have not seen a single Commanders preseason game. I do not know how much the starters have played and I realize that Clinton Portis has been out of action.

Without doing any research on the matter at all, I will conclude STATISTICALLY the Skins have to had one of the worst preseasons of any team I can recall.

The Commanders have scored a grand total of 10 points in the first two quarters of their four preseason games.

They put a trey on Cinncy, a TD on the Jets, and goose eggs against New England and B-More.

The Commanders D allowed 63 points in the first two quarters of their four preseason games.

Cinncy put up 12, New York put up 17, New England put up 20, and Baltimore put up 14.

Now this is not a doom and gloom thread for all you Skins fans out there. Like I said before, preseason does not mean a whole heck of a lot.

My question is though, can you go through a preseason like this and turn the switch on the first game of the year? That is the question.

Flip the switch to the electric chair?
Yeah, they CAN do that!
Deadskin suck no turn on lights for them. They seasons is over and how about the laughs at Cambell soup man who all them ExtremeSkins saying was next Elway being thrown two the bench as third string by old man Gibbs and been beaten out by Todd Collins who was tripping over his size 12 feets every time I sawed him play on tv!!!???

Ha har har har!!

I'm betting a months wayges on the 2nd games gonna be some hop skip jumping and plenty of Jack Daniels for ol Leotis that nights! YEE HAW!!!

Cant not wait!!
skinsngibbs4life said:
So once he is injured he finally becomes "pro bowl calibur"??? I see how it works...

He always was a good/great CB. TNew was just better. :cool:
skinsngibbs4life said:
So once he is injured he finally becomes "pro bowl calibur"??? I see how it works...

Hail to the Deadskins.... remember skins traditionally start 0-2... courteousy of the BOYZ
InmanRoshi said:
There are different types of winless preseasons.

There are the ones where your 3rd stringers and team rejects give up some points late in games to lose at the end of regulation long after the starters have been taken off the field.

And then there are the ones where your first team offense doesn't score a single point the entire preseason and you lose your star runningback, pro bowl caliber CB and best defensive lineman to injury.

Yep, however the change in game planning between pre and regular season might help somewhat, especialy on defense.

That said,;) I would be worried as hell.
gbrittain said: could have just simply stated your opinion if you had one..

Who do you think you are trying to tell me how to post! What's wrong with you!

gbrittain said:
Instead you went on some philosophical tangent about the originator of a post having to be a mini mod and something about "what is my definition of ready"...

I won't tell you to shut up, if you don't try to tell me what style of writing you think is better.

gbrittain said:
Do we really want to start breaking down every word of a post as to what each person means by a certain word?

Didn't intend to, but if that's the way you'd like to step to me ...

gbrittain said:
I am still very curious as to what YOU think "ready" means. I thought that was pretty self explanatory, but I guess not.

ready means a lot of different things to different folks. But ready cannot be defined via preseason games.

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