What a reach THAT would have been!
Kevinicus Well-Known Member Messages 19,886 Reaction score 12,670 Apr 26, 2013 #1 What a reach THAT would have been!
Kevinicus Well-Known Member Messages 19,886 Reaction score 12,670 Apr 26, 2013 #2 This was actually meant as a Cowboys related post, but oh well.
ShiningStar Well-Known Member Messages 14,517 Reaction score 7,746 Apr 26, 2013 #3 i hear a lot of reaching from this place, but not so much from others and yet i heard mroe reaching from other teams. This draft was not about the sexy. I think dallas did the right thing, jump in with the grabbing of the trenches and hope for the best.
i hear a lot of reaching from this place, but not so much from others and yet i heard mroe reaching from other teams. This draft was not about the sexy. I think dallas did the right thing, jump in with the grabbing of the trenches and hope for the best.
DFWJC Well-Known Member Messages 59,982 Reaction score 48,729 Apr 26, 2013 #4 Nobody would have saw it that way though, because that is where he was being projected to go. Right or wrong. Anyway worse "reaches" were Long at 20, Pugh at 19, Manual at 16, Hayden at 12, and maybe Reid at 18.
Nobody would have saw it that way though, because that is where he was being projected to go. Right or wrong. Anyway worse "reaches" were Long at 20, Pugh at 19, Manual at 16, Hayden at 12, and maybe Reid at 18.