Do you have Verizon as a cellphone provider?
I am in the same situation. I'm visiting my mom, and she doesn't have any sports channels.
I have NFL Mobile on my phone but never installed it. I installed it and watched both the Ravens-Steelers and the Chiefs-Broncos games via cellphone. I'll also be staying another day because I'll be able to watch the Cowboys game tonight.
My brother installed NFL Mobile but because he didn't have Verizon, it wouldn't give him the "Watch Live" prompt like it gave me.
The other thing is even if you don't have Verizon, you can install NFL Mobile. You may have to troubleshoot a link that may have your service provider. It didn't have Comcast, which is what my brother uses.
Now that I know this, I may switch Sunday Ticket if I can't get it for free next year.
Anyway, hope this info was helpful. Good luck.