Canadian soccer league punishes excellence

CanadianCowboysFan;3423647 said:
pretty much, Quisling was a collaborator in WWII.

Kind of like calling someone a Benedict Arnold.

Not really, it's very different, That fact that you don't even know why it's offensive should pretty much tell you that:

A) it's probably not a good idea to call a Norwegian that

B) it's not really a good idea for you to be giving lesson on why it's offensive either

I dare you to walk up to the first random Norwegian you see and call them that and see what happens
Ren;3423660 said:
Not really, it's very different, That fact that you don't even know why it's offensive should pretty much tell you that:

A) it's probably not a good idea to call a Norwegian that

B) it's not really a good idea for you to be giving lesson on why it's offensive either

I dare you to walk up to the first random Norwegian you see and call them that and see what happens

stop calling Canadians ******* and I will calling you a quisling

I also suspect random Norwegians will not walk up to me and call Canadians *******. You do from the safety of your computer.
CanadianCowboysFan;3423668 said:
ok, yes I would call one that if like you they called Canadians *******, there happy?

I very much doubt that, you're a coward CCF
CanadianCowboysFan;3423669 said:
stop calling Canadians ******* and I will calling you a quisling

I also suspect random Norwegians will not walk up to me and call Canadians *******. You do from the safety of your computer.

calling someone a ***** is not the same, if you where half as smart as your pretentious *** likes to act you'd know that. There are a million things you could call me and just put Norwegian in front of that i wouldn't take offense to ***** would be one of those words, you picked the 1 thing you know you'd get a reaction from.

Unless ***** is somehow extremely offensive to Canadians don't even bother to try and compare the 2

if anyone should be glad they're behind a computer right now it's you
ren, would you mind explaining why it is so offensive? when i read the wiki it sounded like a Benedict Arnold to me as well, obviously thats not the case
theogt;3423684 said:
Even worse: forcing your kids to play soccer.

Ah, but you're forgetting the comradery, the exercise, the fresh air, the .. oh, who am I kidding. It sucks.
rkell87;3423696 said:
ren, would you mind explaining why it is so offensive? when i read the wiki it sounded like a Benedict Arnold to me as well, obviously thats not the case


I've never heard the term before and now i'm intrigued.
rkell87;3423696 said:
ren, would you mind explaining why it is so offensive? when i read the wiki it sounded like a Benedict Arnold to me as well, obviously thats not the case

it's very hard to explain, basically it's a cultural thing. Norway is a very small country so a lot of families have or had someone in their family directly effect by him. It's somewhat of a acceptable term for traitor here, but very offensive if used as a insult because you're Norwegian.
A lot of soccer leagues have a semi mercy rule - no more then an 8 goal advantage.

Pass it around a lot after 5 goal lead.

And if your caught scoring an own goal to push the could - your team is in trouble.
Ren;3423601 said:
Stay classy CCF

Would you have the balls call a black person ****** to his/her face? Would you even have the balls to do that here on CZ? I very much doubt you'd have the balls to call me that to my face

I might crack a joke or 2 but there's a big difference between that and what you're saying, i hope for your sake it's just the internet that makes you this brave/stupid. If you ever got the bright idea to call me or any other Norwegian that to our face you quickly learn why that's not a good idea...

You dish it but you can't take it, you ****ing ******.
poor ol canadian. Not that he does not deserve it all. And more.
CanuckCowboysFan;3423956 said:
You dish it but you can't take it, you ****ing ******.


Lets everybody relax here. There is no need for this. Personal attacks are prohibited and not acceptable. Lets just stop all the petty here. Stick to the subject at hand. No more of the other stuff please.

Thank you all.
totally against rules like this, written or unwritten, at any level of sport. i played soccer competitively growing up (still play bounce games most weeks) and have been on both sides of extremely one sided results, its just the nature of the game. sometimes you're having an off day and it just so happens the other mob are having one of those days everything clicks. if i'm playing out my skin and you can't stop me then no luck but its not my problem its yours, if you don't like it then up your game and actually do something about it. i know when i was on the losing side in scores like that i found it more humiliating when the other team stopped taking it seriously than when they kept going at close to 100% even if the scoreline ended up closer.
thats without taking into account the fact that you're basically teaching kids its ok to not bother your arse because other people will come down to your level.

incidentally its also why i hate people moaning about teams running up the score in the nfl.
daschoo;3424773 said:
totally against rules like this, written or unwritten, at any level of sport. i played soccer competitively growing up (still play bounce games most weeks) and have been on both sides of extremely one sided results, its just the nature of the game. sometimes you're having an off day and it just so happens the other mob are having one of those days everything clicks. if i'm playing out my skin and you can't stop me then no luck but its not my problem its yours, if you don't like it then up your game and actually do something about it. i know when i was on the losing side in scores like that i found it more humiliating when the other team stopped taking it seriously than when they kept going at close to 100% even if the scoreline ended up closer.
thats without taking into account the fact that you're basically teaching kids its ok to not bother your arse because other people will come down to your level.

incidentally its also why i hate people moaning about teams running up the score in the nfl.

I have never complained about a team running up the score

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