:bang2: Ok, Cliff, and all you conspiracy theorists -- there will never be a cure for cancer. Genetic mutations will continue to happen, and so will cancer.
We have made tremendous strides in prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment; this will continue to improve. But as life expectancy extends and the body ages, cancer will always be a consequence of that longevity, as will other longevity diseases such as dementia. In fact, people who live to be 100 will have a 1 in 3 chance of getting Alzheimer's, and that's the fastest growing segment of our population, due to our success with prevention of strokes, heart attacks, and cancer deaths.
So, have we cured anything? How about polio? Seen any cases of that recently? We have in fact eradicated many afflictions from the planet through world-wide vaccination programs. That success speaks for itself.