Caption This (I know it's not of the Cowboys, but...)

the DoNkEy PuNcH said:

Kurt: What does that little button do behind your right arm?
Ben: Noooooo! Shutting Down... Goodbye!
Kurt: Dude, are those Windows Logos in your eyes?
the DoNkEy PuNcH said:

Ben: "OK, you be Madonna and I'll be Britney."

Kurt: "I wanna be Britney."

Ben: "I'm younger. I should be her."

That's a weird embrace, too much touching below the shoulders. They have to be touching somewhere they shouldn't be.:(

What happened to shaking hands after the game ?:lmao2:
Chief said:
Ben: "OK, you be Madonna and I'll be Britney."

Kurt: "I wanna be Britney."

Ben: "I'm younger. I should be her."


I see photoshop opportunity

superpunk! get to it!

"Heh, I'd take Brett Favre over either one of those guys. And I think he's a better quarterback, too, heh heh."

in unison-

"Now I


the time of my life.

No I never felt this way before..."

Dance with me, I want to be your partner
Can't you see the music is just starting
Night is falling, and I am calling
Dance with me

Fantasy could never be so killing
I feel free, I hope that you are willing
Pick the beat up, and kick your feet up
Dance with me
the DoNkEy PuNcH said:
Kurt - "How does that feel big guy?"
Ben - "Wow thats pretty darn big, Impressive... since when are they arming QB's with flashlights"

Ben: " mean THAT is how they say 'hello' in Australia?"

Kurt: "Yep, learned it in that 'Crocodile Dundee' movie."
the DoNkEy PuNcH said:

Ben- Whoa hold on a sec Kurt. See the photographers, our images might end up on a football forum sight with a "Caption This" above it so the world can make there own observations on what we might be doing.

Kurt- Hmmm, yeah your probably right but at this point I will take any kind of publicity I can get.
the DoNkEy PuNcH said:

Kurt: So Ben, I heard you lost most of your teeth in the accident.

Ben: Yup, I have a full set dentures now. Them come right out.

Kurt: Hmmmmmmmmmmm
Kurt: I sure hope that's a banana in your pocket Ben!!!
Ben: now you know why they call me big ben.

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