Twitter: Card's Patrick Peterson on what their game plan against the Cowboys


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I would hope McCarthy and Moore have enough trust in Dalton to make play changes at the line of scrimmage. If you see the defense bringing up extra men to defend the run then it becomes foolish to run into a stacked line. I'm all for balance and running the ball what I am not for is trying to force things that are not there. Cards have to find out early that we will play action off 1st down and attack them and that is the way you get defense to back off that line. You don't do it by running into the teeth of a stacked defensive front.


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I would hope McCarthy and Moore have enough trust in Dalton to make play changes at the line of scrimmage. If you see the defense bringing up extra men to defend the run then it becomes foolish to run into a stacked line. I'm all for balance and running the ball what I am not for is trying to force things that are not there. Cards have to find out early that we will play action off 1st down and attack them and that is the way you get defense to back off that line. You don't do it by running into the teeth of a stacked defensive front.


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I would hope McCarthy and Moore have enough trust in Dalton to make play changes at the line of scrimmage. If you see the defense bringing up extra men to defend the run then it becomes foolish to run into a stacked line. I'm all for balance and running the ball what I am not for is trying to force things that are not there. Cards have to find out early that we will play action off 1st down and attack them and that is the way you get defense to back off that line. You don't do it by running into the teeth of a stacked defensive front.
i hope they don't take their foot off the gas offensively.
WRx3 is a strength...use it.


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Teams have done this against us for the last couple of years...take Zeke out of the picture and let Dak beat them...we won some, we lost some. This is exactly why I have stated numerous of times that Zeke plays a much more important role than most give him credit for


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So they have the same game plan against Dalton as they would have against Dak (To stop the run and make the QB beat them), and yet some act like this is a game plan that defenses come up with solely for Dak. Yet they have a similar game plan into place for Dalton despite the fact of some insisting that he is a "much better" QB than Dak is. In fact many defenses may know that the Cowboys are planning to go back to a run first/run heavy team, even the NFL pundits have assumed that Zeke will be more relied on now.


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The Bills said the same think last year against our ‘number 1 ranked’ passing attack, but proceeded to explain how Dak is a beneficiary of the play-actin off Zeke and they just need to stick to their positions. Zeke was garbage against teams that defended the play action well, which included the Bills.


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I would hope McCarthy and Moore have enough trust in Dalton to make play changes at the line of scrimmage. If you see the defense bringing up extra men to defend the run then it becomes foolish to run into a stacked line. I'm all for balance and running the ball what I am not for is trying to force things that are not there. Cards have to find out early that we will play action off 1st down and attack them and that is the way you get defense to back off that line. You don't do it by running into the teeth of a stacked defensive front.
This is absolutely correct everything you posted right here!! We have obvious mismatches by going play-action early to set Zeke up with running holes later. Given the fact we're working with a hodge podge offensive line you would think they'd be all too willing to design the scheme around this to let Andy use his best attributes.


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So they have the same game plan against Dalton as they would have against Dak (To stop the run and make the QB beat them), and yet some act like this is a game plan that defenses come up with solely for Dak. Yet they have a similar game plan into place for Dalton despite the fact of some insisting that he is a "much better" QB than Dak is. In fact many defenses may know that the Cowboys are planning to go back to a run first/run heavy team, even the NFL pundits have assumed that Zeke will be more relied on now.
Here go the Dak boys being disingenuous again. This is a game plan defenses come up with to stop average qb's. Very few have said it was only for Dak just a highlight of how defenses think of Dak. Teams aren't preparing for KC, GB, Sea, like let's stop the running game.


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their d ranks 19th in rush yds allowed...20th in rush yds per attempt.
if we committ to it...there will be room for Zeke at the table.

I want Dallas to run, but what we can't afford to do it put ourselves in 2nd and long, 3rd and long and give the defense the opportunity to come after the QB. If you have 5 men blocking and defense has 8 men up that is hard to run against consistently. Use play action get yourself in those 2nd and 4 situation where the defense is uncertain of what is coming. All defense know that in a 2nd 8 or 3rd and 5 or 6 that the offense is going to throw, it is no secret at that point. Keeping your offense is prime down and distance is a big key in being able to stay balanced in your offense. I'm not saying you don't ever run on 1st but you need to be able to keep defense guessing and you can do that with some play action on 1st, if you do that successfully you will see defense backing out of those 8 men fronts.


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This is absolutely correct everything you posted right here!! We have obvious mismatches by going play-action early to set Zeke up with running holes later. Given the fact we're working with a hodge podge offensive line you would think they'd be all too willing to design the scheme around this to let Andy use his best attributes.

Exactly, we have 2 backups at OT, a rookie center. I think the OL has done well given the situation they are in but expecting them to over power 8 men fronts is hard


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Here go the Dak boys being disingenuous again. This is a game plan defenses come up with to stop average qb's. Very few have said it was only for Dak just a highlight of how defenses think of Dak. Teams aren't preparing for KC, GB, Sea, like let's stop the running game.

Talking about the people who insisted that Dalton is so much better than Dak and yet so far the Cardinals defense doesn't seem to think so from their game plan, they are worried about Dalton being a "better QB" and "better passer" than Dak is. You can think that Dak is average, I was referring to the Dak critics who insist that Dalton's talents as a QB are so much elevated over Dak's talents as a QB.


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Talking about the people who insisted that Dalton is so much better than Dak and yet so far the Cardinals defense doesn't seem to think so from their game plan, they are worried about Dalton being a "better QB" and "better passer" than Dak is. You can think that Dak is average, I was referring to the Dak critics who insist that Dalton's talents as a QB are so much elevated over Dak's talents as a QB.
You're talking about a small minority who are you fooling my man? I guess that's what I don't get folks really trying say this I'm,talking about the Dalton fans like this guy has fans like that stop it. Ok you want to address the 2/3 posters that get you going and act like that's anywhere close to the majority of fans? Say no more


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I would hope McCarthy and Moore have enough trust in Dalton to make play changes at the line of scrimmage. If you see the defense bringing up extra men to defend the run then it becomes foolish to run into a stacked line. I'm all for balance and running the ball what I am not for is trying to force things that are not there. Cards have to find out early that we will play action off 1st down and attack them and that is the way you get defense to back off that line. You don't do it by running into the teeth of a stacked defensive front.
While that is true, they still have to prove they can beat the 8 man box.

What the DC's have is knowledge that the Cowboys OL is very suspect and they have a power back that is used to making his own holes as a power back with too much contact. But what they have that is even more critical is the fact that in CIN, Dalton went as the running game went. He needed that even when he had Green and Sanu at the top of their game. And that's not a slam, most QB's need that, even that cat in KC.

What Peterson is saying is the most known item about every team facing the Cowboys, without the run game, the Cowboys cannot protect their Achilles, that defense. And for the Cards, that's right down their alley as they rank 5th in rushing. Murray contributes to that, just as Jackson does for BAL, but that presents yet another challenge that Cowboys D's have struggled with for decades, the mobile QB. And as discombobulated as this D has looked at times, Murray could be looking at a career day.

Dalton can't just be good, he has to be great to overcome his OL and D. He cannot go in and just execute the offense and make plays, he has to create plays. Andy Dalton is our 2020 version of Tony Romo and he has to make this team his quickly. Usually, they'd ask a backup QB to manage the offense but that will not be good enough for this team. Dalton has to keep Prescott's scoring average up.

If any team is considering Dalton as a QB prospect for 2021, they couldn't have asked for a better situation because he's going to have to be special.