Caught My First Real Break


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Caught my first real break in a year or so. I was going to the city my dad lives in to go to an out of town medical appointment and I got pinched for speeding. Instead of a $292, the officer knocked it down to $52.00 and no points off the licence. Here why I think he gave me a break. I saw him at the road, looked at my speed and I knew he had me, I pulled over before he turned his lights, before he got to my window I had my licences, ownership and insurance ready. I told him I know I was speeding...and I will be more careful. Then he comes back with a huge break. I shook his hand, and thanked him...told him I was not working, told him at times money is tight. So I really appreciated this officer cutting me a break...He was really nice, a young fellow...


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Caught my first real break in a year or so. I was going to the city my dad lives in to go to an out of town medical appointment and I got pinched for speeding. Instead of a $292, the officer knocked it down to $52.00 and no points off the licence. Here why I think he gave me a break. I saw him at the road, looked at my speed and I knew he had me, I pulled over before he turned his lights, before he got to my window I had my licences, ownership and insurance ready. I told him I know I was speeding...and I will be more careful. Then he comes back with a huge break. I shook his hand, and thanked him...told him I was not working, told him at times money is tight. So I really appreciated this officer cutting me a break...He was really nice, a young fellow...
Be honest. You left the top 4 buttons of your shirt undone, didn't you?


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Caught my first real break in a year or so. I was going to the city my dad lives in to go to an out of town medical appointment and I got pinched for speeding. Instead of a $292, the officer knocked it down to $52.00 and no points off the licence. Here why I think he gave me a break. I saw him at the road, looked at my speed and I knew he had me, I pulled over before he turned his lights, before he got to my window I had my licences, ownership and insurance ready. I told him I know I was speeding...and I will be more careful. Then he comes back with a huge break. I shook his hand, and thanked him...told him I was not working, told him at times money is tight. So I really appreciated this officer cutting me a break...He was really nice, a young fellow...
Niiiice.....excellent news indeed. Getting pulled over for speeding is always the first step in our recovery program. Now on to Phase 2,which should involve some kind of immature juvenile prank,like replacing the salt bottle with sugar at a restaurant table,or graffiti in the bathroom stall. Or if you’re feeling up to it,just skip over to Phase 3 in the pamphlet to “leaving random waitresses and counter girls messages,and or numbers.” Just miscellaneously at your discretion and convenience,with no intentions of responding to return contacts. Well go over Phase 4 at later date in your brochure,but you’re off to a really great start Mr.Lukin,and we once again would like to thank you for choosing the rehabilitation firms of “Misdemeanors For a Better Way of Life” inc. ....because we’re here for you every step of the way.


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Most cops will appreciate dealing with the exceptional people who get caught in violation and don't act like 'Who - me?'

Back around 2000 a notorious drunk-and-acquaintance-of-mine was pulled over very early on a Sunday morning. He had apparently been weaving pretty badly. When queried by the officer regarding the quantity of alcohol he'd consumed that evening, the acquaintance allegedly replied 'Well, sir... how many empties do you see in the bed of my truck?' Apparently moved by the frankness of the acquaintance, the officer requested the towtruck driver drop the acquaintance off at home on his way to delivering said acquaintance's truck to the impound yard.


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I have several cops friends and the one thing that they tell me that could get you off with just a warning is to ask them how their day was going. Treat us like we are human and show that you care. I got pulled over once and he asked me how my day was going. I replied it depends. I will tell you after this traffic stop. And yours? He laughed and never gave me ticket.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
About two years ago, I topped a hill doing around 90 in a 75 and there he was and he had me. He zapped me with the laser and my radar detector was no good against that as their was no warning. The advantage is they have to be stationary so if they're not using a chase car up ahead and there's more than one of you, you might slip by. But not this time, he had me and his lights flashed immediately. I quickly put my detector on the floor and tried to hide it under the seat.

I applied the brakes and pulled up right behind him. He got out of the car with a surprised look on his face and came around the passenger's side and I rolled down the window. Before he could ask for the necessary ID's, I said "I am sorry officer, I know I was speeding but I was trying to find this poor dove's mate". Then I started looking around and making cooing sounds and he actually looked in the car and then caught himself and looked at me and burst out laughing.

He took my ID's, went back to his car to check and see if there were any outstanding warrants or alerts for asylum escapees and came back and told me thanks for the laugh and his story of the day and he was only going to give me a warning. Then he smiled and said "you can put your radar detector back up, they're useless against laser as you've just seen and contrary to what some people think, we're not out here to catch you but to slow you down". Then he hands me my ID's and the warning and says "you and Mrs. Dove have a nice day". Now it was my turn to crack up and we both laughed as he was shaking his head.

I don't know the odds of finding a cop with that kind of sense of humor because the public can flat steal it from them too often but he was great. I told him as a reward, I would go the speed limit until I reached my destination and that I would not do that for just any cop. And I kept my word....but only for the remainder of that trip.


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Ive a friend who keeps on getting away with tickets. When pulled over he acts nuts - in a very random way. Usually gives a completely irrelevant nuts excuse often asking a nuts question. I've been with him twice when he's done this. I would find it too hard to act nuts and be deadpan about it.

His rationale for this - police officers work in a regimented organisation where they have been trained to act a particular way and deal with the various range of normal reactions from people. They cant cope with very unusual unexpected reactions.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Ive a friend who keeps on getting away with tickets. When pulled over he acts nuts - in a very random way. Usually gives a completely irrelevant nuts excuse often asking a nuts question. I've been with him twice when he's done this. I would find it too hard to act nuts and be deadpan about it.

His rationale for this - police officers work in a regimented organisation where they have been trained to act a particular way and deal with the various range of normal reactions from people. They cant cope with very unusual unexpected reactions.
They also get bored and I believe will reward a break in the mundane.