CB Kenny Wright ARRESTED! (Sorry educan)

ABQcowboyJR;2024477 said:
ya. thats over a thousand dollars worth of it.
Wow, I know I'm getting old but that's some hellacious inflation.
Big Dakota;2024616 said:
Back in the day, the only thing it made me want to beat the hell out of was a bag a Lays chips and a 6 pack of Corona.

I'd be an easy thirty pounds lighter today if I'd never met my first bong, LOL...
McCordsville Cowboy;2024678 said:
No not really...

I slang ounces daily....

Tuning up my best Bill Murray impression:

I wanna party with you, cowboy...
zeromaster;2024849 said:
This thread is way off script...

Just hang on, and enjoy the ride... the way it's going, it's entirely possible you'll be able to get a contact buzz just by reading the entire thread...

Kinda like when you went to your first hard rock concert in the 60s, before you knew what weed was, and wondered what that smell was...

Not that I'd know anything about that, of course... I've just heard stories...
ABQcowboyJR;2024484 said:
thats wrong. It is 25 for 1.75 grams. There are 28 grams in an ounce. The better the quality the higher the cost. Maybe it was closer to a thousand then over it

One ounce of weed around here is about $150-$175.
lets end this argument on how much it costs...wheres Quincys number?
ABQcowboyJR;2024477 said:
ya. thats over a thousand dollars worth of it.

of yay you would be close but of pot no even if its kind. double that amount if its good and maybe but its still not a good price.

anyway i think id best stay out of this discussion.
1. He's smart. Smart enough to create a disturbance in a police parking lot at night with almost two ounces of the hippy lettuce in his posession.

2. He's elusive. Just enough to let some, I'm guessing, not as athletic cops run his but down in the dark.

3. He'll come cheap. I mean, who is going to pay a CB who can't outrun a civil servant wearing 15 pounds of equipment and several years of Duncan Donuts?

the kid 05;2025468 said:
lets end this argument on how much it costs...wheres Quincys number?

He won't work, he buys by the kilo... you get a much better price that way...

Or so I've been told... :D

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