Twitter: CBA includes gambling as shared revenue for owners and players


Safety third
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Even those naive enough to think gambling has no current impact on the integrity of the game have to admit that this will cast a pretty big shadow on that assumed integrity.

At the end of the day, in spite of the rules, regs, sections and subsections... humans are going to human.


Well-Known Member
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Even those naive enough to think gambling has no current impact on the integrity of the game have to admit that this will cast a pretty big shadow on that assumed integrity.

At the end of the day, in spite of the rules, regs, sections and subsections... humans are going to human.

this proposal didn't invent gambling lol. not sure how it affects integrity any more than it already would


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What this means is that either the NFL will want to collect money from legal bookies, good luck on that, or the NFL plans to setup their own bookies located in or around NFL stadiums and good luck on that getting support from the fans on that one. Nobody will want to watch games anymore because they will fear games have fixes in them. Stadiums will be empty. The networks won't bid on carrying NFL games because of that.

This has to be one of the worst ideas anyone has come up with yet. Just think about Pete Rose who should be in the HOF but won't ever get there from betting on baseball that wasn't even part of MLB's revenue stream.


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What this means is that either the NFL will want to collect money from legal bookies, good luck on that, or the NFL plans to setup their own bookies located in or around NFL stadiums and good luck on that getting support from the fans on that one. Nobody will want to watch games anymore because they will fear games have fixes in them. Stadiums will be empty. The networks won't bid on carrying NFL games because of that.

This has to be one of the worst ideas anyone has come up with yet. Just think about Pete Rose who should be in the HOF but won't ever get there from betting on baseball that wasn't even part of MLB's revenue stream.

I'm sorry but fans already think these things (mostly the CONSPIRACY! theorists) and it hasn't done a dang thing to popularity other than whining and the "I'm almost done with this game" empty threats. Been hearing those for years now, lol.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The refs already have too much of a biased impact on games, now the owners and players will be more involved....:laugh:....

Art Schlichter approves of this. :lmao2:


Safety third
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this proposal didn't invent gambling lol. not sure how it affects integrity any more than it already would
More opportunity always creates more temptation. Gambling is BIG money. In my lifetime gambling has gone from a "shady", underworld thing legal in only one state (and built there by organized crime) to legal in two states, to legal in many areas. to accessible to pretty much everyone online. Now we have a major sports league tied directly to, and profiting from, legal gambling.

What could possibly go wrong! lol


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More opportunity always creates more temptation. Gambling is BIG money. In my lifetime gambling has gone from a "shady", underworld thing legal in only one state (and built there by organized crime) to legal in two states, to legal in many areas. to accessible to pretty much everyone online. Now we have a major sports league tied directly to, and profiting from, legal gambling.

What could possibly go wrong! lol

oh absolutely, but we've reached the tipping point a long time ago. (imo)


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
What this means is that either the NFL will want to collect money from legal bookies, good luck on that, or the NFL plans to setup their own bookies located in or around NFL stadiums and good luck on that getting support from the fans on that one. Nobody will want to watch games anymore because they will fear games have fixes in them. Stadiums will be empty. The networks won't bid on carrying NFL games because of that.

This has to be one of the worst ideas anyone has come up with yet. Just think about Pete Rose who should be in the HOF but won't ever get there from betting on baseball that wasn't even part of MLB's revenue stream.
LMAO, do you have any idea how much has been "illegally" bet since they first put the uniforms on?

They can't even venture a guess at what the illegal sites rake in and all they're doing is the same thing the legalize pot states are doing. We can't stop it, might as well make something off it.


Just Dez It
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More opportunity always creates more temptation. Gambling is BIG money. In my lifetime gambling has gone from a "shady", underworld thing legal in only one state (and built there by organized crime) to legal in two states, to legal in many areas. to accessible to pretty much everyone online. Now we have a major sports league tied directly to, and profiting from, legal gambling.

What could possibly go wrong! lol

I'd argue that the additional funds given to the players would make it harder to create incentives for them to toss a game since they are better compensated.


Safety third
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oh absolutely, but we've reached the tipping point a long time ago. (imo)
I agree. It's just a terrible idea to drive even faster over the cliff by associating the league so directly to gambling. It's absolutely INSANE imo.


Safety third
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I'd argue that the additional funds given to the players would make it harder to create incentives for them to toss a game since they are better compensated.
Possibly. Can't really comment on that without knowing the specifics, though.


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Somewhere Pete is saying WTH?
