CBS11 Blog: Steve Dennis on the Cowboys


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Posted by CBS11

October 11, 2008

---In 1998, when it involved scissors and Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin...the catch phrase was "...horseplay...". Now, ten years later, when it involves fists and Cowboys cornerback Adam Jones...the phrase is "...jivin'..". Is this progress for Jerry's spin doctoring?

---Oh...and about MICHAEL IRVIN and NATE NEWTON going on the radio and defending Pacman and all other trouble makers...please STOP IT!
You sir, and you sir have no credibility in this area.

---And furthermore...what is with this SPORTS CULTURE we live in today...where the first thing many fans do is BLAME THE MEDIA? This needs to stop.
When Pacman was out in the early morning hours this week...getting in a fight with his babysitter...this media member was home...with his I could properly face another day of work. What part of this situation is my fault? Or any media members fault? I didn't hit anybody. I didn't get suspended from any of my bosses for embarrassing behavior. All we do is cover the it pertains to the Dallas Cowboys and their fans. Question the way we do that...if you feel it necessary...but please...QUIT BLAMING US...for the news we report.

---I admire COWBOY'S HEAD COACH WADE PHILLIPS...for not using the media to get his point across to his players. He deals with his players face to face. (Unlike the previous head coach). BUT, I worry...when you coach his jeopardize losing EDGE, HUNGER, NASTINESS and ACCOUNTABILITY.
He seems to trust his players too much. That could be what bites him...and disappoints him..once again...when it matters most.

---Just curious...How many of you fans miss BILL PARCELLS? I see both points of view. On one can argue...the distractions of a team run amok is not a good thing...but..JERRY'S CIRCUS won super bowls in the 90's..maybe...that formula will do it again now.

---THUMBS UP Cowboys...Nick Folk...Matt McBriar...Felix the "touchdown" cat.
---THUMBS DOWN Cowboys...Mr. Jones and Mr. Jones.

---Funny comment from TROY AIKMAN on the radio...what good is a bodyguard if you can punch him out?

Steve Dennis
CBS11/TXA21 Sports

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WoodysGirl;2325506 said:
---Just curious...How many of you fans miss BILL PARCELLS? I see both points of view. On one can argue...the distractions of a team run amok is not a good thing...but..JERRY'S CIRCUS won super bowls in the 90's..maybe...that formula will do it again now.

You mean the same Parcells who lead us to back-back 9-7 seasons AND early exits in the playoffs?

Oh-Dennis may have also missed the '06 season when we had TONS of distractions a month into that respective offseason.


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WoodysGirl;2325506 said:
---And furthermore...what is with this SPORTS CULTURE we live in today...where the first thing many fans do is BLAME THE MEDIA? This needs to stop.
When Pacman was out in the early morning hours this week...getting in a fight with his babysitter...this media member was home...with his I could properly face another day of work. What part of this situation is my fault? Or any media members fault? I didn't hit anybody. I didn't get suspended from any of my bosses for embarrassing behavior. All we do is cover the it pertains to the Dallas Cowboys and their fans. Question the way we do that...if you feel it necessary...but please...QUIT BLAMING US...for the news we report.


Just because people realize that the medias first aim is not good research and therefore good founded articles readers and consumers are now the ones to blame ?

Come on. Who do you think you are ? You are not employees at the New York Times with the demand of writing decent stories which were based on research. Your aim is to entertain people because with that you earn your money.

So please calm down. It's not like your work is something that has inlellectual value. Face it. You entertain and because of that you are treated for that. You want to be respected ? Go get a job that demands good writing skills because it's aim is to publish good stories with some kind of intellectual value. If you aren't able to face it who you are. Don't blame your readers for the worthless crap you write. :mad:

And one more thing. The last few years it was really hard for me reading one so called "news" article which was really only news. News is what it's name is NEWS. That means reporters should report about what happend nothing more and nothing less. Everything else is not news but storrytelling.


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Did Dennis or anyone listen to Nate on Michael Irvins show?

Nate said Pac is restless like Nate used to be and doesn't feel like Pac gets it and until he does, Pac will always be restless that he is missing something and have the urge to go out and inevitably end up in trouble.

Nate didn't sound like he was defending Pac to me.


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yimyammer;2325659 said:
Did Dennis or anyone listen to Nate on Michael Irvins show?

Nate said Pac is restless like Nate used to be and doesn't feel like Pac gets it and until he does, Pac will always be restless that he is missing something and have the urge to go out and inevitably end up in trouble.

Nate didn't sound like he was defending Pac to me.

When I read Dennis' comments from the OP-I was about to say the same thing you just said.

If anything-Nate NEVER defends anyone. If he stood up FOR ANYONE, I would be shocked.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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yimyammer;2325659 said:
Did Dennis or anyone listen to Nate on Michael Irvins show?

Nate said Pac is restless like Nate used to be and doesn't feel like Pac gets it and until he does, Pac will always be restless that he is missing something and have the urge to go out and inevitably end up in trouble.

Nate didn't sound like he was defending Pac to me.

Yep, dcfanatic posted that last night... Nate had some great things to say about Pacman and how he can't resist the lifestyle of always finding the party.

Big Dakota

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Chocolate Lab;2325709 said:
Yep, dcfanatic posted that last night... Nate had some great things to say about Pacman and how he can't resist the lifestyle of always finding the party.

If that wasn't clear before, it is now. This goes way beyond football. This kid is gonna end up in prison on of these days if he doesn't get a different outlook, or maybe even worse, he might get dead.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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TwentyOne;2325599 said:
You are not employees at the New York Times with the demand of writing decent stories which were based on research.

That means reporters should report about what happend nothing more and nothing less. Everything else is not news but storrytelling.
I agree with the point of your post. In fact I could hardly agree more. But the above is a very bad example. The NY Times is as about as biased and one-sided news rag as you can get. They report or don't report based on who is the culprit.


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LeonDixson;2325833 said:
I agree with the point of your post. In fact I could hardly agree more. But the above is a very bad example. The NY Times is as about as biased and one-sided news rag as you can get. They report or don't report based on who is the culprit.

The Philly sports media is far worse-every offseason/TC, they cheerlead on and on how the Eagles have 22 Pro Bowlers, they have the best drafts and the most 2nd day steals, everyone is having uber-strong TCs, etc, etc.

It's not until TSHTF during the season when the media there will all of a sudden start asking the tough questions.

As uber-negative our media is, I'll take them ANY day over Philly's garbage...Thank You.


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Big Dakota;2325772 said:
If that wasn't clear before, it is now. This goes way beyond football. This kid is gonna end up in prison on of these days if he doesn't get a different outlook, or maybe even worse, he might get dead.

There are only three ways this will end for Pac Man. Broke, pre-maturely dead or in prison. He is a true thug. I wished and wished that having a last chance opportunity would knock some sense into him.

Clearly it has not. People are wasting their time defending the guy. We all know Cowboy players and even more so Pac Man are under a lot of scrutiny.

Yes small things get blown up, but if Pac Man did not have any previous incidents this is a non issue. The fact of the matter he has lead his life in a manner that this incident is a big deal. No benefit of the doubt.

As long as he is a Cowboy I will want him to do well in his uniform. I am not turning in my Blue and Silver card over a guy like Pac man, does not mean I do not realize he is a guy that can not and will not stay out of trouble.

Jerry should cut his losses with this guy now. This may blowover, but sometime next year or the year after or even the year after that he is going to let us down big time and Dallas is going to be stuck. I would really like to see him go becuase Dallas can not count on him.


Illegitimi non carborundum
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Boysboy;2325841 said:
The Philly sports media is far worse-every offseason/TC, they cheerlead on and on how the Eagles have 22 Pro Bowlers, they have the best drafts and the most 2nd day steals, everyone is having uber-strong TCs, etc, etc.

It's not until TSHTF during the season when the media there will all of a sudden start asking the tough questions.

As uber-negative our media is, I'll take them ANY day over Philly's garbage...Thank You.
I'll take your word for it because I never read Philthy's papers unless an article is posted here. I wasn't talking about sports reporting though; just the paper in general.


I'm kind of a Big Deal
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WoodysGirl;2325506 said:
Posted by CBS11

October 11, 2008

---In 1998, when it involved scissors and Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin...the catch phrase was "...horseplay...". Now, ten years later, when it involves fists and Cowboys cornerback Adam Jones...the phrase is "...jivin'..". Is this progress for Jerry's spin doctoring?

---Oh...and about MICHAEL IRVIN and NATE NEWTON going on the radio and defending Pacman and all other trouble makers...please STOP IT!
You sir, and you sir have no credibility in this area.

---And furthermore...what is with this SPORTS CULTURE we live in today...where the first thing many fans do is BLAME THE MEDIA? This needs to stop.
When Pacman was out in the early morning hours this week...getting in a fight with his babysitter...this media member was home...with his I could properly face another day of work. What part of this situation is my fault? Or any media members fault? I didn't hit anybody. I didn't get suspended from any of my bosses for embarrassing behavior. All we do is cover the it pertains to the Dallas Cowboys and their fans. Question the way we do that...if you feel it necessary...but please...QUIT BLAMING US...for the news we report.

---I admire COWBOY'S HEAD COACH WADE PHILLIPS...for not using the media to get his point across to his players. He deals with his players face to face. (Unlike the previous head coach). BUT, I worry...when you coach his jeopardize losing EDGE, HUNGER, NASTINESS and ACCOUNTABILITY.
He seems to trust his players too much. That could be what bites him...and disappoints him..once again...when it matters most.

---Just curious...How many of you fans miss BILL PARCELLS? I see both points of view. On one can argue...the distractions of a team run amok is not a good thing...but..JERRY'S CIRCUS won super bowls in the 90's..maybe...that formula will do it again now.

---THUMBS UP Cowboys...Nick Folk...Matt McBriar...Felix the "touchdown" cat.
---THUMBS DOWN Cowboys...Mr. Jones and Mr. Jones.

---Funny comment from TROY AIKMAN on the radio...what good is a bodyguard if you can punch him out?

Steve Dennis
CBS11/TXA21 Sports

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we wouldnt be blaming the media IF

--they would stop running with stories before they get facts

--baiting players with harmful questions to write only the parts of the players answers that make the player look bad..

--stop asking same questions over and over and over in different formats till they get an answer they can twist into a juicy story

--write news giving facts without setting it up with their personal bias

--have the actual page title match the story ( "T.O. confronts Romo about play calling") only to read a story about how they had a conversation in the locker room about something we are not sure as to what...

--stop force feeding us garbage articles about how this team is about to are not psychic nor a fortune teller you are going off a story you wrote that was full of #@*&

--try to actually give us some news about players other than Romo, TO, and dont do this because you only want to follow the fireworks.....

--stop creating stories out of something you know nothing about TO crying about not getting enough ball touches only to find out later he was mourning someone close to him....


Kane Ala
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gbrittain;2325845 said:
There are only three ways this will end for Pac Man. Broke, pre-maturely dead or in prison. He is a true thug. I wished and wished that having a last chance opportunity would knock some sense into him.

Clearly it has not. People are wasting their time defending the guy. We all know Cowboy players and even more so Pac Man are under a lot of scrutiny.

Yes small things get blown up, but if Pac Man did not have any previous incidents this is a non issue. The fact of the matter he has lead his life in a manner that this incident is a big deal. No benefit of the doubt.

As long as he is a Cowboy I will want him to do well in his uniform. I am not turning in my Blue and Silver card over a guy like Pac man, does not mean I do not realize he is a guy that can not and will not stay out of trouble.

Jerry should cut his losses with this guy now. This may blowover, but sometime next year or the year after or even the year after that he is going to let us down big time and Dallas is going to be stuck. I would really like to see him go becuase Dallas can not count on him.

I'd have to say the odds are heavily against him. I would point out that the intervention he is under is perfect for him though. The longer the intervention the more likely he is to modify his behavior. He's got to be getting at least weekly counseling and I'd suspect much more. Whether that helps or not is up to him but the odds have got to go up some. What you saw from him is likely to be the worse it gets and I'd suspect the reins are much tighter now. There will likely be no further drinking off champus and a loss of privileges.

He either will do it Jerry's way and the league's way or not at all. He has no choice with babysitters along. If he wants to stay on this team in this league and get a paycheck.