CBZ40 Off Topic but may affect Kiper Mock Draft


Proud Navy Veteran 1990-1995
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I don't know how many of you use Comcast but those of you who do prob already know that over the past 6 days the entire North America system has crashed 3 times. Last Thrusday, Last night and are having serious probs tonight. I hope it doesn't go out this weekend but it seems to be a prob they are unable to fix.
I think it may be wise to ask those in the Kiper Inv. Mock to let you know if they have comcast and make a list of those who do. that way if on sat. were not here you will know why and can act accordingly. I purpose we all submitt our top 15-30 players and if were not able (for what ever reason) to be here you can handle it without us without too much of a headache.
I'm on comcast cable. Been down on and off past 2 days - been abusing my 2 computers. Glad its not my problem only....
Funny this is the only site I can visit right now. if I attempt to go to another site it won't let me. I have called CC and they said the system is crashing again. As I pointed out in the first post.
Yes it sure could......If anyone foresees a problem it might be wise to PM me a list.
jksmith269 said:
Funny this is the only site I can visit right now. if I attempt to go to another site it won't let me. I have called CC and they said the system is crashing again. As I pointed out in the first post.

The network _works_ but domain name services have been failing night after night. A couple work arounds:

* Get the IP addresses of sites you like when their DNSs do work.
* Find a reliable DNS somewhere out there and put it into your /etc/resolv.conf (or equivalent)

Shee, I work these days for a company with DNS services, I need to write down our DNSs and use those when things get nasty.

PS - unable to fix DNS? Don't make me laugh.

dwmyers said:
The network _works_ but domain name services have been failing night after night. A couple work arounds:

* Get the IP addresses of sites you like when their DNSs do work.
* Find a reliable DNS somewhere out there and put it into your /etc/resolv.conf (or equivalent)

Shee, I work these days for a company with DNS services, I need to write down our DNSs and use those when things get nasty.

PS - unable to fix DNS? Don't make me laugh.


SO do you have any clue as to why this only happens around 5pm but lasts for hours.

This is what CC said they didn't know what the problem was and why it kept happening.

As for the other stuff you said its GREEK to me. Thanks anyway. jk
I've been having the same Problems only seems to happen at night any clue as to why this is?

* Get the IP addresses of sites you like when their DNSs do work.
* Find a reliable DNS somewhere out there and put it into your /etc/resolv.conf (or equivalent)

How would you do something like this? I like pointing and clicking so I'm not very computer savy....

BlindSeer said:
I've been having the same Problems only seems to happen at night any clue as to why this is?

How would you do something like this? I like pointing and clicking so I'm not very computer savy....

start button, click run, type in cmd.
dos window should open.

type 'ping www.cowboyszone.com'
write down the ip addy you get back

next time you want to visit the site and DNS is acting stupid just type that ip address in the addy bar instead of www.cowboyszone.com. or just click here:
junk said:
If you could click here, wouldn't you already be here? :D
ya, u kinda got me there. guess you'd have to click here now and then save it to favorites. lol.

then again if you can read it you are here already....
jterrell said:
ya, u kinda got me there. guess you'd have to click here now and then save it to favorites. lol.

then again if you can read it you are here already....

Now you guys have me completely..... :confused: :D
Comcast was down again this AM and I tried the numbers that I pinged and they wouldn't even work. Any other suggestions? Thanks for the help.
jksmith269 said:
Comcast was down again this AM and I tried the numbers that I pinged and they wouldn't even work. Any other suggestions? Thanks for the help.
Didn't work cause not a DNS issue this time:

It appears Comcast kinda sucks.

We have received a couple of inquiries regarding the unavailablity of Comcast. Apparently Comcast is experiencing problems nationwide due to an equipment update. This does not appear to have any connection to the DNS Cache Poisoning that we have been following over the last few days. The Comcast technical problems should be resolved shortly and all will return to normal.

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