Cedar Hill Mayor gave Coppell Mayor the 9mm used in Murder-Suicide


Mick Green 58
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This story gets a little more bizarre by the day.

Was reading the DMN.com blog, it turns out the Mayor of Cedar Hill, which is South of Dallas gave the Mayor of Coppell the 9mm Glock apparently used in the murder-suicide. The Mayor of Cedar Hill has stated that they were good friends and he thought he knew her better then he did. He said that the Mayor of Coppell talked to him about getting a concealed handgun license and she needed a gun to attend an advanced training class this coming Saturday. He said on July 8th, he took her to a shooting range and showed her how to use the gun. When the story broke, he called the cops and told them that he felt the gun used may have been his.

Also, apparently the Mayor had some serious financial trouble. She had some very questionable purchases on her City-issued Credit Card such as groceries and clothes and the City Manager had recently asked the City Attorney to launch an investigation after months of trying to get the Mayor to pay the charges are present receipts. It has also been revealed that the Mayor's house was also in foreclosure and that she had over $2,000 in HOA liens against the property.

Okay, here is where things get even more bizarre. Friends of the Mayor's daughter said she was planning on going to TCU but then they were told that she was accepted into UT. However, after the news broke, spokesman from both TCU and UT-Austin said they had no record of anyone with her name and birth date expecting to enroll or attend orientation in 2010. UT-Austin also stated they have no ACT or SAT records for her :confused: .

Along with the Mayor's daughter, I kind of feel bad for the City Manager of Coppell as well. He stated in the blog article that he started wondering if he had something to do with the murder-suicide because he started to press the Mayor about the questionable Credit Card charges. Also, I think you have to feel bad for the Mayor of Cedar Hill as well.

I'm curious as to why the two universities has no record of the daughter's records. It is July and they should have had ACT/SAT scores a long time ago as you cannot get accepted until you have submitted those along with other documents.
From a legal standpoint, is it illegal for a person with a Concealed Handgun Permit to give a handgun to someone who doesn't have a Concealed Handgun Permit?
Well, its starting to clear some things up. Like why she did it
Just finished reading this on CBS 11. Did you read what each note said that she suppose to have left? Doesn't make sense and your right it keeps get more and more bizarre each day.
Avaj;3461195 said:
Just finished reading this on CBS 11. Did you read what each note said that she suppose to have left? Doesn't make sense and your right it keeps get more and more bizarre each day.

Yeah, one of the notes was for the "first responders" and it basically told them not to attempt to resuscitate her. As I stated in the thread that was locked, another note gave them instructions on what to do with the dogs.

Also, records state that she and her husband took out a home loan for around $283,000 in 1998 and the appraised value of the home is around $423,000. The blog said they still owed about $235,000, so I would think they could sale the house and make a nice profit on the house, even in these economic times. The original article stated that she was a Software Developer by trade, depending upon what languages she knew, Software Developers are in great demand in the D/FW area.
Is anyone actually a fan of HOAs? I think the idea is good but the whole thought of some person having say over what color or type of fence, deck or whatnot I decide to put up is completely ridiculous.

At least to me.
Hoofbite;3461222 said:
Is anyone actually a fan of HOAs? I think the idea is good but the whole thought of some person having say over what color or type of fence, deck or whatnot I decide to put up is completely ridiculous.

At least to me.

When I get a minute, I am going to start a thread ranting about what I had to go through to get approval for a French Drain to be installed.
Maikeru-sama;3461226 said:
When I get a minute, I am going to start a thread ranting about what I had to go through to get approval for a French Drain to be installed.

Hoofbite;3461222 said:
Is anyone actually a fan of HOAs? I think the idea is good but the whole thought of some person having say over what color or type of fence, deck or whatnot I decide to put up is completely ridiculous.

At least to me.
I'm not a fan, but I don't have a problem living in the one I'm in. I imagine some are more strict than others. I've only gotten one notice and that was about my grass being too high. Yard man hadn't come in a few weeks due to weather.

I also didn't have to get my house color approved when I decided to paint my house either.
Hoofbite;3461222 said:
Is anyone actually a fan of HOAs? I think the idea is good but the whole thought of some person having say over what color or type of fence, deck or whatnot I decide to put up is completely ridiculous.

At least to me.

Maikeru-sama;3461226 said:
When I get a minute, I am going to start a thread ranting about what I had to go through to get approval for a French Drain to be installed.

WoodysGirl;3461228 said:
I'm not a fan, but I don't have a problem living in the one I'm in. I imagine some are more strict than others. I've only gotten one notice and that was about my grass being too high. Yard man hadn't come in a few weeks due to weather.

I also didn't have to get my house color approved when I decided to paint my house either.

This is a good read on the topic. :eek:


Homeowners Associations Get Nasty: Foreclose or Sue to Collect Dues

By Candy Evans Jul 15th 2010 @ 2:44PM

The story of Army Capt. Michael Clauer's family, whose Frisco, Texas home was sold out from under them after his wife failed to pay -- or sporadically paid -- their homeowners association dues, has opened the floodgates to reports about how brutal HOAs are becoming. The reports are especially troubling during a recession, when so many homeowners are having trouble paying their bills.

In 30 states, HOAs have the power to foreclose on homeowners who do not pay up, which has made them even more vilified than the IRS!

And now some are resorting to cutting off utilities: A Georgia woman has been living without water for more than a year now, all because she failed to pay her HOA dues.

Helen Burgess of Marietta, Ga., got behind on her bills after being diagnosed with cancer a few years ago. But she was able to work out payment plans with almost everyone except her HOA. The bank who held her mortgage, her auto note, her credit cards, even the IRS put her on payment plans to catch up. But she still owes the Magnolia Lane Condominium Association, who manages her 76-unit condominium complex, more than $5,000, which includes attorneys fees. Because of that bill, the condo association, which supplies water to the units, cut off her water shortly after June 27, 2009.

For over a year Burgess has been hauling in water in from her niece's home about 10 miles away.

But Magnolia didn't just dry out the tap. They have tried to garnish Burgess' salary and now have banned her and her guests from using the clubhouse and other common areas in the condo community.

Burgess, who is 59, says this is the craziest mess she's ever had to deal with and even asked her pastor to intervene.

Is she working at all with the HOA to work out a deal? Yes, but the association isn't talking about it publicly.

Georgia is one of the states where HOAs are empowered to take such drastic action. Another is Texas, where the Clauer family lives. HOA representatives say they have no choice but to enforce the rules just as any mortgage company would. In HOAs where not enough members are making payments, the management can tip into failure mode rapidly, resulting in deterioration of the property, lack of maintenance of common areas or exteriors, all of which results in a lowering of property values.

Texas State Sen. John Carona (R-Dallas), who serves as president of a huge national realty property management firm with $400 million revenue, says the Texas law that permits HOAs to foreclose should not be changed. Tweaked, but not changed. When you sign for your mortgage, he said, you also sign and legally agree to be a part of the homeowners association.

That's fair -- you are duly warned and don't have to buy the property if you don't like the association's terms (my words).

He advises buyers to read HOA rules carefully before buying. Seek counsel, if necessary. He also says that homeowners who don't pay their share of homeowners association dues force a hardship on other homeowners in the neighborhood, who often have to kick in more for expenses.

Recently, I heard from the president of Select Management Company in Dallas, a firm that represents 25,000 homeowners.

"While it is unfortunate that anyone would lose their home to foreclosure," writes Ted W. Smith, "state law allows the HOA's such action, only following explicit and numerous legal notification to a homeowner."

Smith says that HOAs foreclose on fewer than 1 percent of their communities. (HOA management companies have no legal authority to foreclose or sell anyone's home.) All SMC HOA Boards allow payment plans for homeowners in a time of need. Smith tells me that there are 3,000 homeowners associations in the Dallas area alone, and almost 30,000 associations around the state for a total of 5 million homeowners. HOAs also lower costs, says Smith: They serve their communities and defray city expenses while maintaining beautiful common areas.

In metro Atlanta there are an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 association-run communities. Nationally, about one-fifth of the U.S. population lives in HOA-run communities, a number that grew during the past 20 years as homeowners flocked to the community concept, wanting homes or condos in areas that provided multiple amenities. Amenities require maintenance, upkeep, repairs and improvements. Many of these obligations were once run by municipalities, such as city pools paid for by taxes. Now they are private.

Then came the recession: HOAs were forced to cut back, raise dues and whatever it took to stay afloat. And as more homes went into foreclosure, or stacks of fresh new condo units went unsold, vacant homes did not provide HOA revenue. Kathy Dorough is a Decatur, Ga., attorney who says that a whopping three-fourths of her practice involves collecting HOA and condo association fees. Her firm has about 2,500 open lawsuits, and paying members have been adversely impacted..

And some HOAs are even failing as a result of deadbeat homeowners, says Golding. In fact, he says it is not unusual to see HOAs with 1,000 homes or more not paying HOA dues.

As a result, the companies have had to carry bigger and bigger sticks. Perhaps they ought to give a warming whack? Because, on an individual level -- a soldier fighting for his country, a woman diagnosed with cancer -- it is disheartening to lose your home for any reason.

"Going through this is more frightening than when I went through breast cancer," said Burgess.
Maikeru-sama;3461226 said:
When I get a minute, I am going to start a thread ranting about what I had to go through to get approval for a French Drain to be installed.

Weird. If done right, a french drain can really add to the landscaping in your yard.

I think some HOAs are good and some are bad. It makes sure that people don't grow an Amazon jungle in their front yard, but sometimes it can be ridiculous like forcing you to get your deck installation approved.
Don't mean to hijack :laugh2: .

I just don't have the energy to make a rant post about my HOA. I was off all week this week before I start the new job next week and I decided to dedicate this entire week to getting everything I needed for application submission to the HOA for the French Drain and let me tell you, it took the entire week. You gotta have a house survey, you have to fill out some paperwork, you have to call the city to see if you need a permit, even though you know you don't need one, you have to have 2 or more of your neighbors to sign off on the project, you have to get the contractor to write up the specs, yada yada yada.

I sent the application off 2 days ago and after all the hassle, that is only submitting it for approval, so they could even reject it and I don't think I want to know what the re-submission process is like.

Here are some pictures of my drainage problem:
bbgun;3461242 said:
Was she currently married?

No, she was a widow.

casmith07;3461244 said:
Weird. If done right, a french drain can really add to the landscaping in your yard.

I think some HOAs are good and some are bad. It makes sure that people don't grow an Amazon jungle in their front yard, but sometimes it can be ridiculous like forcing you to get your deck installation approved.

Yeah. I have a friend that lives in Arlington, TX and his neighborhood doesn't have an HOA and a lot of yards look like crap, including his lol.

I think HOAs do some good but in some situations, they can by very tyrannical. My HOA is still ran by the Developer and I dread the day when the residents takeover the HOA because there are some very power-hungry people I have met in my neighborhood and on a message board for our City, which has subsections for each Community.

Also, they should absolutely not have a right to foreclose on people simply because they owe HOA fees.
Mods, feel free to delete this link if you think it is "political". It's just a story of how an HOA foreclosed on a family while the father was serving in Iraq. It annoyed the heck out of everybody.

The thing I cant get over is how did she do this?

was the daughter understanding of what was going to happen and just let it happen? Or did the mom sneak up on the daughter when she was in bed and shoot her, sneak up on her somewhere else and then just off herself?

I can not understand the scenario anyway I try. Its just sub human.
They haven't released any details about what actually happened and may never will.

I know there has been quite a bit of controversy over the decision to have one funeral for both the Mayor and her daughter.

What is very chilling is that the Mayor of Cedar Hill took the Mayor out to a gun range so she could practice using a 9mm glock. Can any of you posters with children imagine going to a gun range to practice for the sole purposes of eventually taking the life of your child? That is proof that she definitely thought this through for quite some time. If you are just going to kill yourself, you don't need to go to a gun range and "practice".

I still want to know why UT-Austin and TCU have never heard of the Mayor's daughter and have no relevant records of her.
Maikeru-sama;3461291 said:
They haven't released any details about what actually happened and may never will.

I know there has been quite a bit of controversy over the decision to have one funeral for both the Mayor and her daughter.

What is very chilling is that the Mayor of Cedar Hill took the Mayor out to a gun range so she could practice using a 9mm glock. Can any of you posters with children imagine going to a gun range to practice for the sole purposes of eventually taking the life of your child? That is proof that she definitely thought this through for quite some time. If you are just going to kill yourself, you don't need to go to a gun range and "practice".

I still want to know why UT-Austin and TCU have never heard of the Mayor's daughter and have no relevant records of her.

I saw a video a while back of a mom who had taken her son to the range so they both could shoot.

For whatever reason, while he was shooting she turned her gun on him and shot him in the back of the head.

Completely unreal.
Maikeru-sama;3461269 said:
Don't mean to hijack :laugh2: .

I just don't have the energy to make a rant post about my HOA. I was off all week this week before I start the new job next week and I decided to dedicate this entire week to getting everything I needed for application submission to the HOA for the French Drain and let me tell you, it took the entire week. You gotta have a house survey, you have to fill out some paperwork, you have to call the city to see if you need a permit, even though you know you don't need one, you have to have 2 or more of your neighbors to sign off on the project, you have to get the contractor to write up the specs, yada yada yada.

I sent the application off 2 days ago and after all the hassle, that is only submitting it for approval, so they could even reject it and I don't think I want to know what the re-submission process is like.

Here are some pictures of my drainage problem:

Mosquito heaven. They've got to allow you to do something for drainage.

Looks like a privacy fence? I'd just do it anyway. What do they do, sanction you?

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