Cedar Hill Mayor gave Coppell Mayor the 9mm used in Murder-Suicide

theebs;3461282 said:
The thing I cant get over is how did she do this?

was the daughter understanding of what was going to happen and just let it happen? Or did the mom sneak up on the daughter when she was in bed and shoot her, sneak up on her somewhere else and then just off herself?

I can not understand the scenario anyway I try. Its just sub human.

Hoofbite;3461302 said:
I saw a video a while back of a mom who had taken her son to the range so they both could shoot.

For whatever reason, while he was shooting she turned her gun on him and shot him in the back of the head.

Completely unreal.

We had a Soldier go AWOL last year and drive to Texas and shoot his mother dead in her sleep.
casmith07;3461305 said:
Mosquito heaven. They've got to allow you to do something for drainage.

Looks like a privacy fence? I'd just do it anyway. What do they do, sanction you?

If you don't get HOA approval, they will issue you a cease and desist letter and for every day you are in violation, they will fine you and those fines will probably rack up pretty quickly. I'm not sure about my HOA, but they could eventually foreclose on your property and of course if you try to sell, there will be a lien on the house.

I think the application will be approved but I wouldn't be surprised if I have to jump through some more hoops.
Maikeru-sama;3461341 said:
If you don't get HOA approval, they will issue you a cease and desist letter and for every day you are in violation, they will fine you and those fines will probably rack up pretty quickly. I'm not sure about my HOA, but they could eventually foreclose on your property and of course if you try to sell, there will be a lien on the house.

HOA's were a good thought in theory. However, they can and have become monsters. They've taken advantage of their original role. It really depends on who is the HOA president.

HOA's will fine you. They have the authority to fine you every time they see the 'infraction'. If they choose to walk by your property 4 times in one day the $25.00 becomes $100.00. It's absolutely insane. Yes, they will slap a lien on your home and when you sell they get their money first. I'm not sure about foreclosure unless the fines eventally exceed property value.

The HOA's in PHX were getting to the point of madness. Legislation by the local government was becoming involved. I left so I have no clue as to where that stands now.
Maikeru-sama;3461188 said:
From a legal standpoint, is it illegal for a person with a Concealed Handgun Permit to give a handgun to someone who doesn't have a Concealed Handgun Permit?

So if I understand your question, Maikeru-sama.....................
A transfer of weapons has nothing to do with a CCW wether it's a gift or a purchase. If you plan to carry concealed, you need a permit. (I recently learned there is one state where you do not need a permit to carry concealed.Vermont I believe.)

I don't believe there is any legal ramification for giving away or selling, privately, a gun unless the receiver is a convicted felon. Then you may have some issues.

EDIT - Thanks for keeping us updated, Maikeru-sama. This story is getting worse and worse for the daughter, poor kid. Trapped in her parents life. Paid the ultimate price just for being born it seems. Horrible. Just horrible.
Seven;3461488 said:
I'm not sure about foreclosure unless the fines eventally exceed property value.

I thought this as well but the soldier that got his home foreclosed on only owed the HOA $800 and his family was current on their Mortgage. I just did a google search because I have not been keeping tracking of the story and one of the link returns said that the HOA is receiving death threats for foreclosing on the soldier's home :laugh2: . I know it is kind of sickening but I am kind of proud of my fellow Texans :bow: :laugh2: .

link to story

Seven;3461495 said:
I don't believe there is any legal ramification for giving away or selling, privately, a gun unless the receiver is a convicted felon. Then you may have some issues.

Yeah, I don't think the Mayor of Cedar Hill will get into any trouble. He has been told to come in and give a brief statement to the Police but I doubt any charges will be filed. One of the posters on the blog the article was posted on said the Mayor of Cedar Hill should face charges for giving her the gun, that is why I asked. In my honest opinion, the guy did nothing wrong, however, for the rest of his life, he will have to live with the fact that a person he thought was his friend, manipulated him and took advantage of his kindness in the worst possible way.

I'm in between jobs but I bet this is all the folks at my former employer talked about this week.

Like I said, it hits close to home because I just left a city, that is similar to Coppell.
Earlier this year, the DMN broke a story about how homeowners were flat out tired of their tyrannical HOA in Colleyville, which is ran by a developer named David Bagwell.

The most outrageous thing was anytime you wanted to do work on your house, you had to obviously get approval, but what was disturbing is that you had to use David Bagwell's approved list of contractors. And of course, it was discovered that the list of contractors were all friends of his :rolleyes: .

Nice racket.

A month or two later, David Bagwell filed for Bankruptcy.
Maikeru-sama;3461522 said:
Earlier this year, the DMN broke a story about how homeowners were flat out tired of their tyrannical HOA in Colleyville, which is ran by a developer named David Bagwell.

The most outrageous thing was anytime you wanted to do work on your house, you had to obviously get approval, but what was disturbing is that you had to use David Bagwell's approved list of contractors. And of course, it was discovered that the list of contractors were all friends of his :rolleyes: .

Nice racket.

A month or two later, David Bagwell filed for Bankruptcy.

This isn't really related, but in light of your comments, I was wondering if you'd ever seen the X Files episode about the evil HOA and the dirt monster.

ScipioCowboy;3461528 said:
This isn't really related, but in light of your comments, I was wondering if you'd ever seen the X Files episode about the evil HOA and the dirt monster.



A co-worker got me hooked onto the TV show "Fringe" and I was thinking after I am done with that, I may start watching X Files.
Maikeru-sama;3461512 said:
I thought this as well but the soldier that got his home foreclosed on only owed the HOA $800 and his family was current on their Mortgage. I just did a google search because I have not been keeping tracking of the story and one of the link returns said that the HOA is receiving death threats for foreclosing on the soldier's home :laugh2: . I know it is kind of sickening but I am kind of proud of my fellow Texans :bow: :laugh2: .

Oh I believe ya.

I'm sure they're diffent HOA by-laws in every association. The HOA in the soldier's case should be flippin' executed publicly. I'm proud of the Texans too for standing behind this soldier. I hope they're successful.

Maikeru-sama;3461512 said:
Yeah, I don't think the Mayor of Cedar Hill will get into any trouble. He has been told to come in and give a brief statement to the Police but I doubt any charges will be filed. One of the posters on the blog the article was posted on said the Mayor of Cedar Hill should face charges for giving her the gun, that is why I asked. In my honest opinion, the guy did nothing wrong, however, for the rest of his life, he will have to live with the fact that a person he thought was his friend, manipulated him and took advantage of his kindness in the worst possible way.

I'm in between jobs but I bet this is all the folks at my former employer talked about this week.

Like I said, it hits close to home because I just left a city, that is similar to Coppell.

Man. You couldn't be more right. This lady ruined several lives.
Maikeru-sama;3461188 said:
From a legal standpoint, is it illegal for a person with a Concealed Handgun Permit to give a handgun to someone who doesn't have a Concealed Handgun Permit?

No, the onus is on the new owner to get one.

So what if he gave her the gun?
The Mayor Of Coppell's Mother-Daughter Murder-Suicide - Pride Over Love

By Mike Fisher -- DB.com


Sex. Or money.

Jayne Peters, the mayor of Coppell, left notes scattered about her home with specific instructions for the people who would have the misfortune of finding the bloody body of the daughter she murdered with a borrowed handgun before she committed suicide. There was a typed-out prayer and a scribbled-out note and a carefully positioned urn containing her husband’s ashes and in a most cowardly act, a written attempt to suggest that death is what her daughter wanted.

Oh, and there was the note about how Jayne wanted her dogs cared for.

This woman murdered her 19-year-old daughter. In cold blood.And out parade the ignorant, the apologists and the wackos.

"She loved her daughter more than anything.'' "The death of her husband a few years ago really upset her.'' "It must've been an accident while she was cleaning her gun.''

There are never excuses for this and there is no way to soften the blow by calling it something other than "murder.'' Mrs. Mayor might've been "lonely'' or worse, "a tortured soul.'' And she might've been a wonderful public servant, too.

But she had to also have been mentally unstable, dangerously so, and as I always predict, when we go looking for reasons for murder -- and let's quite soft-peddling this as anything else, OK? -- we'll probably find the old standbys: Sex. Or Money.

And there it is: She was broke. Living in a $423,000 home, putting on airs, putting personal charges on her City of Coppell credit card, renting a car for her daughter (again, at the city’s expense) and telling Corrine that she’d purchased it as a high-school graduation present, pretending the daughter was bound for the University of Texas … all while her house seemed to be in a constant state of foreclosure.

This was lagely premeditated. She stole money. She borrowed a gun two weeks ago. She murdered her daughter a full day before she offed herself. And she left hints and suggestions and notes making it seem like it really wasn’t her fault. ... that Corinne wanted to die like this.

It is not true that Mrs. Peters “had no help.’’ I personally know people who tried to help Mrs. Peters through her grief from losing her husband. I also know that when you complain of having “no assets’’ – the excuse made for this at her Friday funeral – you ignore that lovely $423,000 house, the sale of which might’ve prevented Jayne from stealing money from the city.

Maybe she'd taken out a second mortage? Maybe she was buried in debt? You sell the house. You live in an apartment. You cease shopping at the hippest stores. Your daughter attends community college. You cope.

Or, at the very least, you help your daughter to cope.

The smartest comment to come from this is delivered by my friend Ralph Strangis, the great Dallas Stars voice and a proud citizen of Coppell.

If Mayor Peters had revealed to friends that she needed financial help, says Ralph, who considered himself one of those friends, “It would have been 'It's A Wonderful Life.’ This town would have turned its pockets inside out. There would have been a line out the door."

It sickens me to look at Mrs. Mayor’s notes and see that she allowed her pride to get in the way of actually living her life. She did not love life enough. That is sad … but it can be argued that one has a right to suicide.

It sickens me more to hear Mrs. Mayor's friends say how much she loved her daughter. She did not love her daughter enough. She violated her own daughter in the most hideous way, robbing her of her future and robbing her of her rights and robbing her of her life.

Mayor Jayne Peters did not love her daughter. Not really. Not rightly.

But with the care reflected in those instructional notes, she sure loved those dogs.

That article doesn't pull any punches at all, but sadly, there is probably a lot of truth in what the author states.

author said:
"She loved her daughter more than anything.'' "The death of her husband a few years ago really upset her.'' "It must've been an accident while she was cleaning her gun.''

Actually, if you read the DMN blogs, there are worst execuses then this but I won't get into those on this site.

Also, the Mayor's house may have been worth $423,000 but in this market where there is talk of 1 Million foreclosures by the end of the year, she probably wouldn't have gotten that much but other articles state that she only owed about $215,000 so surely she could have come away with a nice profit. I don't even want to know what kind of property taxes she was paying on a house worth $423,000.

author said:
She murdered her daughter a full day before she offed herself.

I wonder how the author knows this?

I can attest to the fact that cities in North Texas take employees stealing money from their city very seriously. With cities in bad shape budget-wise there is pressure from the citizens on cities to be very transparent about what they are spending their money on (or the public's money). Last year the city council of the city I use to work for demanded that we create a website where all the citizens could view all city purchases, which was a headache from a Database backend point of view :) but it went live earlier this year. If a citizen would have went to the transparency website and found those type of purchases by our Mayor, I guarantee you all heck would have broken loose.

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