CeeDee's success rate by route during the 2023 season


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What's weird is you can't access any info/data from the TruMedia Sports website. It appears only to allow team and media membership.

Probably a lot more specialized data at the request of each individual team. I am surprised they don't have a watered down version of generic metrics for fans to purchase though. Based on their Twitter they have enough material to do so. I'd love to see another company come in and push PFF in this space, but TruMedia seems more focused on appealing to teams of as many sports as possible instead of getting the fan money.


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Ok....here is some excellent info. Most here probably already knew this but for the amateurs like myself, this should help. It's my understanding what makes CeeDee great is he can play ALL three positions at a high/ALL-Pro level.



The three positions of wide receiver​

By John B Apr 6, 2020, 12:30pm EDT

In the NFL responsibilities can vary wildly within a position.
Take wide receiver. Players are given the same label even though their roles vary wildly. One could argue there are at least three different wide receiver positions.

X Receiver

On each play the offense must have seven players on the line of scrimmage. Five of these players are on the offensive line.
At least one of the other two is typically a wide receiver. This player in called the X receiver or split end


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Ok....here is some excellent info. Most here probably already knew this but for the amateurs like myself, this should help. It's my understanding what makes CeeDee great is he can play ALL three positions at a high/ALL-Pro level.

It's always refreshing to see a post about X,Y, and Z receivers instead of #1/2/3. When broken down this way it's what makes Lamb sooo valuable, but also shows why the Cowboys really need to find another guy who can play the X position. The bad part about that is X receivers are the toughest to find and get paid the most money.

If the Cowboys had another player who could line up as the X 80% of the time and keep Lamb off the LOS this pass offense would be almost unstoppable.