Changes from last season roster - summarized


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offense overall ??? ol improved, qb more experience, wr faster but less experience, te faster but much much less experience, rb hopefully has zeke for full year
qb - hopefully improved dak
rb - zeke for hopefully full year, 1 less backup but speedster in austin
fb - faster receiving threat
wr - no dez but replaced with better route runners and a speedster in austin for jet sweeps and other patterns
te - witten replaced with faster but zero-experience quartet
ot - proven swing ot
og - tfred situation; much more depth and replaced cooper with rookie talented (but weaker) williams

defense significantly improved overall - dl much improved and deeper, lb much improved and deeper, cb more experienced, safety - hmmm???
de - randy gregory and can dlaw repeat, spicier taco but is it enough? rookie armstrong may surprise
dt - woods could surprise, irving missing games again
lb - jaylon could ball, who knows about lee, rookie lve will be ?, thomas is great depth and covington kept
cb - jones move could be good. chido may be good. jordan regressed a little? will
s - jone move, heath and frazier start? woods with more experience. rookie robinson???

shock of 53 roster cuts - automatic gone replaced with rookie from cfl
k - bailey replaced with rookie...??????