Chargers SM making fun of us

At the behest of insulting your team and QB. That's their right no matter how immature they look like. It is L.A., so it's not surprising. But to see Cowboys fans enjoy such an insult against your own team and QB is what's truly bothersome.
So 'loving another team'..?
There are very few exceptions, I am 45 but grew up watching Gatchaman, Speed Racer and a few others. Then when I was a teenager saw the OG Dragon Ball dub in syndication. I recognized all the references in that Chargers video.

Anime popularity is only 4% for my age group. Less than 30% for 18-29 year olds. Technically, either can be categorized as exceptions, especially for my age group, but translating the percentage into actual numbers is notably significant.

The video has several references that are post-Dragon Ball Z and GT story arcs. Some of the anime references first appeared shortly before or after Dragon Ball Kai, which released around 2009 or 2010.

Anime popularity is only 4% for my age group. Less than 30% for 18-29 year olds. Technically, either can be categorized as exceptions, especially for my age group, but translating the percentage into actual numbers is notably significant.

The video has several references that are post-Dragon Ball Z and GT story arcs. Some of the anime references first appeared shortly before or after Dragon Ball Kai, which released around 2009 or 2010.
Well HunterXHunter is technically 1999 but I nor many westerners were watching it at that time.
Hilarious. Not as good as the Jags video, but good. :laugh: NYJ and cougars.

Incredible that some are such over the top homers they can't enjoy a good laugh.
I don't understand.
You initially stated:

I don't care about their childish immature jabs. What bothers me is the supposed Cowboys fans here who hate Dak spewing their excitement and loving another team insulting their QB and team.
I bolded the 'loving another team'. It seemed you were specifying anyone who enjoyed the video, which included a Dallas segment among 16 other segments, by extension 'loved another team insulting Prescott and Dallas'. In asking for clarification, I posted an either/or inquiry:

Loving another team? Or loving what another team's creative content department produced?
I stated it as such since the majority of members posted their opinion of the video's quality (or lack there of) in its entirety without singling out Prescott or Dallas. Your reply:

At the behest of insulting your team and QB. That's their right no matter how immature they look like. It is L.A., so it's not surprising. But to see Cowboys fans enjoy such an insult against your own team and QB is what's truly bothersome.

--was somewhat ambiguous but seemed to lean more towards the former option than the latter option I had given.
Well HunterXHunter is technically 1999 but I nor many westerners were watching it at that time.
I have been goofing off here at work and must bear down and get my crap finished so I can get out of here on time! :laugh: I will post all the anime references (in my opinion) from the video, along with each series' premiere year later today.
yeah, everyone should be able to appreciate them going thru the effort to do something different & poke a little fun at their opponents while announcing their schedule.
I liked cartoons....when I was six. :muttley: :muttley: :muttley:
Some of you guys...

Believe it or not, there are other teams and fanbases besides ours. They are just poking a little fun at EVERYONE on their schedule. There wasn't even anything insulting in our direction. Ease up, laugh a little, it's the off season.
Jacksonville video was wonderful.

It explain so much.

My eyes have been opened.
Are 31 teams doing these videos?

Why hasn’t anyone told me?

Don’t answer that question, I won’t be able to handle the truth.
Well HunterXHunter is technically 1999 but I nor many westerners were watching it at that time.
There was more artwork that was inspired by news events, former players, etc., than was created with cartoon or anime references. Here's the breakdown:

Original Artwork Not Referencing Cartoons or Anime

Weeks 1, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15, 16(?), 17, 18

Artwork Based on Cartoon References

Week 2/Teen Titans 2003-2006 | Character: Cyborg
Week 8/The Care Bears 1983
Week 14/Spongebob/do not care enough to add more :facepalm:

Artwork Based on Anime References

Week 3/JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 2012-present | Character: Giorno Giovanna
Week 4/Gyakkyô Burai Kaiji 2007-2011 | Character: Kaiji
Week 5/Hunter X Hunter 1999-2001 | Character: Gon | Note: The 2011-2014 remake has the exact scene drawn in the Chargers' video. ;)
Week 9/Chainsaw Man 2022-present | *Inspired by Detroit Lions gambling reference
Week 11/Partial original artwork with some Dragon Ball (Aaron Rodgers as Vegeta maybe?)
Week 13/Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood 2009-2010 | Character: Father (best copied scene in my opinion for Belichick/see below)


Extra anime filler:
  • Naruto 2002-2007 | Multiple ninja characters
  • Attack on Titan 2013-2023 | Scouts :clap:
  • Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 2019-present | Multiple characters
  • My Hero Academia 2016-present

As I mentioned earlier, post-1990's anime references are pretty evident in the video.
Week 13/Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood 2009-2010 | Character: Father (best copied scene in my opinion for Belichick/see below)

I got almost all off them, Care Bears I was not seeing ,maybe, I guess.

The FMA brotherhood was lost on me the only thing I could think of was Bruce Wayne in Batman Beyond


Rest of them I got.
That was extremely well done. Visually captivating. Totally not two-dimensional thinking in concept. No attention starved owner. No badly conceived mascot. Even the schedule could be paused and reviewed within one frame. Wonder how it compares against other teams' release videos?
Having a schedule release video that’s trendy and “cutting edge” simply wouldn’t be a priority for any team I might own, but to each his own, I guess. Maybe others might be snarky about having a better menu in the team’s mess hall, or a more modern backdrop for press conferences. The Carolina Panthers employ an OUTSTANDING trumpet player in the reception hall band these days…

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