Charles Haley 'Cowboys DEF Players are a bunch of garbage'


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Jerry Jones does not want to win. The team makes him money, lots of money. He will regret how he has run this team on his death bed, trust means very little in the grand scheme of things...unfortunately, the dummy will not realize that until he has 1 foot in the grave...
We can blame the players, the coaches, the trainers, the concession workers, the the end of the day, The Jones doesn't believe in accountability...not for themselves and not the coaches or players...this team is a fraud anymore.


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BENCH Lawrence ASAP! Under no circumstances does he return to the field this year. In the off season unload the under achiever. Say what you about the guy, every since he signed that large contract he has been relevant on this team.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Jerry Jones does not want to win. The team makes him money, lots of money. He will regret how he has run this team on his death bed, trust means very little in the grand scheme of things

"Jerry doesn't want to win" is one of the most repeated falsehoods on this site.

Jerry is absolutely wants to win, just not quite as much as he wants to be the football guy who built a winner.

His ego gets in the way, as it has since Jimmy was in town.


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"Jerry doesn't want to win" is one of the most repeated falsehoods on this site.

Jerry is absolutely wants to win, just not quite as much as he wants to be the football guy who built a winner.

His ego gets in the way, as it has since Jimmy was in town.
Of course he wants to win....just doesnt have a clue what he is doing.

Speaking of his deathbed, he will be there swearing that being buddies with the players can still work.

There will be zero regret. The guy is THAT stubborn.


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Jerry Jones does not want to win. The team makes him money, lots of money. He will regret how he has run this team on his death bed, trust means very little in the grand scheme of things...unfortunately, the dummy will not realize that until he has 1 foot in the grave...
We can blame the players, the coaches, the trainers, the concession workers, the the end of the day, The Jones doesn't believe in accountability...not for themselves and not the coaches or players...this team is a fraud anymore.

This is not true.

Jerry wants to win as much as, hell maybe more, than any one associated with the Cowboys( fan, player, or a member of the FO). This is a ridiculous conspiracy theory completely out of sync with what we know about Jerry Jones, his ego, and his competitive nature.

THE problem, imo, is that Jerry wants to win while at the same time getting the majority of the credit. If I had to guess, I’d say it still burns his hide in excruciating fashion almost 30 years after the fact Johnson still gets the credit for 3 SBs and he gets identified as the meddling owner.

The problem with Jerry, from our perspective, is that he has enormous confidence in himself. I’m mean it’s straight up hubris any narcissist whose ever lived would be proud of. You don’t get his inflated ego because you’re a Buddhist monk sitting on a mountainside contemplating on reducing your personal desires while increasing your humility. You get Jerry’s ego from being highly, highly successful, thinking you’re the smartest person in the room and usually being right, and having immense talent that has led to him accruing a financial fortune King Midas would have been jealous of in some pretty cutthroat business environments.

He’s not backing down. When someone tells Jerry he can’t do something, Jerry Jones goes all-in on himself which highlights the specific problem we are dealing with here - Jerry has the ability to self reflect and honestly critique his failings about as well as a cat can fly. For Jerry we will always be right on the cusp because he can’t admit he’s not good enough.


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3) Jaylon has not recovered from his foot injury
4) Dalton was a poor signing and has never shown he can handle the spotlight.
3) It's been clear that Jaylon's leg regressed in 2019.
4) I think we paid Dalton 1/2mil more than we were going to pay Cooper Rush. Good signing.

I hope we don't get stupid and pull another Matt Cassel move. Should have stuck with Weeden. Should stick with Dalton now.


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Yeah the Dalton signing was fine. I mean for crying out loud, who should we have signed otherwise to be the back up?


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Interesting interview with Charles Haley on the Michael Irvin Podcast today. As you would expect with Mike quite a bit of nonsense but when they talked about the Cowboys in depth, Haley had some very strong views including:

1) It's not the coaches, it's the players they are gutless.
2) D Law is no leader
3) Jaylon has not recovered from his foot injury
4) Dalton was a poor signing and has never shown he can handle the spotlight.
5) Recounted a bizarre story from last season when a Cowboys coach on DEF tried to explain to a player (who I think is still on the team) what he needed to improve and the player just walked out of the room.
6) Thinks nothing can be done for this season, need a complete overhaul of personnel

He then had some critical comments to say about Tom Brady and when he was with the Patriots organisation.

Well worth a listen

These guys are WHIPS period, buch of clowns!


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Pretty much what I've said.......can't do anything now. But after the season......blow up the entire D ( except Hill, Diggs and LVE ) and rebuild it. Frankly, I expect MM to do just that. Would not surprise me at all to see a min 6-7 new starters on this D for 2021.
Diggs has been blown up so many times chances are good that he’ll never recover mentally. Hill repeatedly turns his back to the blocker and gets pushed out of the play frequently enough that I suspect it’s not fixable!


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Wish Haley were still playing on this team. I guarantee you this defense wouldn't be sorry and soft. Dallas needs a coach in here they fear more then Jones. I think the team respects Garrett over McCarthy. He was the worst hire Jerry could of made, IMO. But what else would Jerry do:facepalm: Until Jerry is gone? We will always be what we are.


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Demarcus Lawrence is such an off putting dude. You’d think he was a future HOFer.

he hasn’t made a big appearance in a big moment in what? 6 years? Playoffs against lions?


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Always enjoy hearing from Haley.

Jaylon Smith got paid way too early for a small amount of success. It's a nice comeback story, but he's just never going to be the player people hoped.

As for D-Law, I'm tired of the excuses for him. He's done just about squat since getting paid. That's just too much a coincidence.

LVE's injury woes are a shame, but I still hold out some hope. Plus, it's not like he's eating up a bunch of cap (yet).

Wish we could have at least seen this D-Line with McCoy. Meanwhile, Dontari Poe is a ridiculous flop signing.

This team's unwillingness to invest in safeties is just indefensible at this point. They're such a liability. If I was an opposing team, I'd just send a WR running straight down field every single play.

And if I never see Worley on the field ever again, I'd die a happy man.

I don't understand all the money invested in edge rushers. When you don't have DT, LBs, or secondary players it will be very rare than an opponent is actually playing in a 3rd and long situation. I don't think they baked that strategy long enough.


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Paying Zeke was never a problem. It was paying players like Lawrence, Smith that much, considering they couldn't lead a thirsty horse to a pond.
Pollard is cheaper and can get the same 3 yards as Zeke.