NOPE ... Nope you just found someone that utilizes common sense, that doesn't get emotionally involved in the hater groups, I'm not going to help you carry your pitchforks and your torches around burning Jerry and the organization to the ground at every turn..
even if they don't deserve it, and sure they've done plenty to deserve the criticism they get, but there are some things that absolutely are out of their control like this, and you can't see it doesn't make me their agent it makes you a little bit delusional clueless and that you just wanna further the hate narrative towards the Jones family and is not going to join you I'm not joining that part of your club..
I'm not sure how you're typing but be careful is holding those pitchforks and torches and all that hate you might tip over and fall.... Or is it the sky is falling doom and gloom whatever group that you're part of I'm not joining I get it I get the criticism towards the ownership and the GM but that's OK in this case I stand by my post..