I guess so
Meanwhile, these guys always seem to have one or two funny comments / replies to questions during the post-game mandatory press conference. Today there was:
(after Anand made a very late game move that he thought was very close to mate but actually was a HUGE mistake)
Meanwhile in the press conference:
FIDE Press Officer : 'Did you really try to calculate all the way to the end?'
Anand: 'No I was thinking about dinner tonight'
..and I saw the live tweet from Nigel Short about the end of an era, and sure enough, someone in the press has to bring it up, which subsequently has caused a firestorm in India:
Norwegian Reporter: Nigel Short just tweeted that this is the end of an era. Do you agree with this? To both players.
FIDE Press Officer: Actually it's not the end of the match yet. I don't know if this is the correct question.
Reporter: No, but this was just tweeted by Nigel Short and I would still like a comment from both players.
FIDE Press Officer (to Carlsen and Anand): Would you like to give comments on this question or not.
Carlsen: .....ahhhh.....No, let's be correct this time.
...and a few more notes...
Carlsen did point out something. This is the first time he was scared in the match. Anand put some serious pressure on him, the game was fun and exciting. Anand explained his miscalculation:
"I saw these lines, some of them ending in a draw, but then I saw his resource of Qb6-Qb1+ (in the lines of 28.Bf1) and then I saw 28.Nf1. I calculated the variations with 28...Qd1 and started to get excited. As soon as I put the knight on f1 I realized what I had done" - Anand
There is nothing else left to add.