He didn't even suck man. Our team was super disciplined, they were all on the same page and committed to what he was trying to do. We just happened to have the worst roster in the league. I'm so bummed right now.
other coaches were complimenting Chip on a gamely basis. the league respects him and pretty much everyone knew he was making the best out of an awful situation. this is ridiculous
I'm so ******* mad right now
I dont know what to do with all this rage and dissapointment
Personally I think Chip Kelly is average at best as an NFL coach, but holy **** this is ridiculous. It is going to be impossible for the 49ers to hire a good coach after this. They fired Jim Harbaugh after he brought them a lot of success, they promoted from within and fired him after a single season, they brought in a relatively big name coach with some hype behind him even after his fallout with the Eagles and they fired him after a season. Why would any coach want that job at this point?
I don't want him gone and hope it's not true. I think he deserves another year at the very least. Our offense had improved. Our guys were discplined. They seem to like him too. Our defense had a **** ton of injuries this year and offense had quite a few in the 2nd half.