Choice reminded me of Emmitt


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kmp77;2480255 said:
At some point we'll have to decide on who to keep...Barber, Felix or Choice. I don't think we'll be able to afford all three :( Sucks to draft well and get punished for it.

Luckily we have a couple years before we have to worry about that.

Felix and Choice are only rookies.... can't wait to see how they progress and play next year. :)


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utrunner07;2480152 said:
I agree. Lets trade Marion for a couple of #1s and move on ;) jk jk

Seriously i think this is not a bad idea. We are overloaded right now at RB and why not take advantage of it when you are in a good situation . Only thing that hinders us is Marions contract.

As much as i like Marions running style i consider Felix the much better RB because he has the homerun ability and with Choice we have a good 2 RB tandem. That would be much much cheaper for us then to have Marion also.


Federal Agent
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Choice does have some "Emmitt Like" qualities, but the back that most reminds me of Emmitt from this past draft is Ray Rice.

Choice isn't a "Shake 'N Bake" type RB, but he has just enough wiggle to take a defenders angle away and force an "arm tackle" and he has the power (when he's not tripping over himself) to run through those arm tackles.

Joe Realist

No Kool-Aid here!
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Hey - no need to trade anyone.

if anything, maybe the Boys can transform into a balanced offense or a run first, ala the NY Giants.

Sure, its not as exciting, but it plays well on the road, in any weather, especially in December!

As much as I hate the Giants (though not like the Eagles!), I love what they do with Jacobs, Ward and Bradshaw.

We can definitely do the same - A methodical, clock eating offense.


Kane Ala
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Wow. One game. Sammy Smith comes to mind. He doesn't run like Emmitt. But he doesn't waste energy. You have to love the North South mentality and the extra yardage he gets going down.

I'm going to wait and see how he does over the next couple of years but he definitely can run in this league.

This year's draft was a huge hit IMO.


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What impressed me most about him is that he rarely got tackled for a loss. He's the type of consistent runner that you win games with.


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Yeah, this is a toughie. I mean, if you can keep all three it would be great: Choice and MB3 as the main two back would compliment each other very well, and Uncle Felix could come in as the third down back, or put him in the slot or use him for kickoffs. My main concern with Felix coming into this year was his durability. I know he was never hurt in college, but his carries were very limited in college too. Hes' just not very big. I think in hindsight Jerry REALLY screwed up in signing MB3 to that gigantic deal guys. Gotta keep him now. If Choice completely outplays Felix then Felix will go at the end of his deal. BUT if Choice is only slightly better, then Felix gets the nod. They are two different players in that Felix can't run real well between the tackles, at least without getting killed: and Choice isn't as fast as Felix on the edges. What often happens in these scenarios is that one of these three guys will get hurt: hopefully not but it could happen and then the other two stay. Happens all the time

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Biggems;2480060 said:
with his pass protection. Romo may have gotten hit a few times, but not when Choice was blocking for him. I like the one where he helped Harrison jump way up in the air, just to keep him off Tony long enough to get the pass off.

IMO, his pass protection against the #1 defense was his most impressive facet on Sunday. I hope he can continue this, because the Giants, Ravens, and Eagles will definitely be bringing the heat.

Good post. I thought the same thing leading up to the draft. We got a steal in the 4th.